有谁知道手机screen password and PIN 有啥区别?

来源: Tendy 2015-11-20 08:25:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (132 bytes)
回答: 不会的GuoLuke22015-11-19 18:59:16

我唯一知道的是, PIN is only four digits and password you can set more than four digits and it is more safer. 


区别是 -hot_powerz- 给 hot_powerz 发送悄悄话 hot_powerz 的博客首页 (70 bytes) () 11/21/2015 postreply 19:12:47

pin is safe as remote access cannot use pin, passwd can be crack -chinomango- 给 chinomango 发送悄悄话 chinomango 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2020 postreply 09:01:04


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