
来源: 2008-01-11 01:45:13 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
呵呵,他就是把private good变成public good了,确切地说是private provision of public good.

open wireless network符合public good 的定义:Non-rivalness和Non-excludability in consumption。

理论上的最佳private good 供应取决于 每个社会成员的产品边际替代率总合 = 边际转换率 (Marginal Rate of Substitution MRS = Marginal Rate of Transformation MRT),这个叫Pareto efficient allocation of private goods.

理论上的最佳public good 供应 取决与 每个社会成员的边际效益总合 = 边际成本 (Marginal Benefit MB = Marginal Cost MC)

private provision of public good can lead to the famous "free rider" problem.

Free-Rider Problem 在这里OP的邻居或者路人免费享用OP的wireless network。(an incentive to let other pay for the services or goods while you enjoy the benefits).

如果private wireless network(private good)变成open wireless network (public good),每个人都会自私的去占用这个在private good的情况下享受不到的benefit。这样,市场上的public good 将达不到最佳供应状态,造成社会效益损失。市场的自动调节功能将失去作用,无法自动调整到最佳状态之(MB=MC)。

因此即使应该有open wireless network的话,也不该由私人提供,而应由政府通过税收收入来提供 (Provision of public good through taxation, lump-sum or distortionary taxation, which will be another topic).

现实中,市场不太可能提供最优化的public good,即使它们是 excludable in consumption.

现实中,人们也不一定都会“free ride”,但这种现象也确实存在。

现实中,public goods can be provided privately, and private goods can be provided publicly. The choice between public and private provision should depend on relative wage and materials costs, administrative costs, diversity of tastes for the goods (preferences), also distributional issues. We will talk about this next time :) LOL

Fon's solution is sort of solved the "free rider" problem in this case. I've seen they provide such wireless routers for free, but you are tied up to their device /network / services.

Okay, better stop here, I hear someone shouting at me: what the hell are you talking about, stop B~~~S~~~ting~~~