
来源: 2016-03-14 21:51:31 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

大妈在公司当码农,  公司里有这么一位小丑: 什么技术也没有(select query 都不会), 但上窜下跳, 整天kiss managers ass.

小丑总是死皮赖脸想揽到更多的活儿, 想往上爬, 终于抢到了一项目中 和用户联系 这么一个角色,  几个月前公司让大妈给该项目加新功能, 小丑开始刁难大妈, 大妈做的东西都要他来assign, test.  还总是找茬不让我做的东西通过, 又丝毫不懂技术, 跟他打交道痛苦死了. 上周我没管他就把code check in了, 他知道后大发雷霆, 向老板告状:

(1) 我没有follow procedure

(2) 我把已经有的功能 break了!

关于第二点他是在撒谎, 实际情况是那个功能从来就没有, 我已经给他指出了. 但今天在会上他又这说我broke feature 了, 还说client也报告了(100%地撒谎!). 气得我说他在lie, 结果又给他抓住把柄, 说我不respect 他.  我感到我现在很被动, 想明天找老板这么谈谈:

(1) I feel sorry to call him lier in the meeting, but I turely think he is and it just came out from my month.

(2) I feel very frustrate to work with him.  During the past several months, I feel that his action is not for the good of the project, but for showing his authority to me. He made the project cannot going smoothly, that is why I even took risk not following procedure to check in my code, which I think it is best for the project.

(3) I never broke any existed feature. We can check the code in source control, or revert my code to test again. It is not hard to verify whether I broke the feature or not.

I have always tolerant him, but up to this point, I cannot keep this to myself any more. I dont mind he attack me, but he needs to be honest
