
来源: 蛇蝎子子 2014-07-11 22:25:15 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (56633 bytes)
Dear Meg Whitman,


My name is Kevin Li, I am a manager in TS RnD China site. I am very sorry to bother you again, but I believe this should be the last time that I have opportunity to send mail to you, since I and other colleagues will leave our company—HP in a few days, which we once loved so deeply. A little bit sad, but no more choice.


Hewlett Packard is a sign of culture and spirit rather than Helion, Haven or Moonshot. Here, “HP Way” is a model for how we act, how we treat others, and the way we conduct business.  SBC is the bottom line of our behaviors, if anyone violates SBC, whoever he/she is, the VP or SVP, should be punished. We used to believe that HP is responsible for his own staff and his mission. This is the source of passion, dedication and loyalty. If cheat and conspiracy do not violate HP’s moral standards, if racial discrimination and betrayal behavior do not need to assume the SBC consequences, is HP still a company of honor? We are using the turnaround of moral in exchange for the turnaround of revenue, is it what we want?

Please allow me to briefly introduce what we experienced in these days again, you can find more details in the mail loop:


TS RnD is focused on Foundation care/Proactive care/Datacenter care solution for HP enterprise devices. These are the core business in TS.  TS RnD China site is one of the largest site in this business unit.   People from this site are involved in the product development at almost every product. China team is proven as a team with positive attitude, solid knowledge and outstanding performance in the past. This is the reason that all of people were asked to transfer from HPIT to TS RnD under no condition two years ago. 

Official Decision:

On June, 17th, The VP announced that the whole china site was closed in ten-minutes All Hands Meeting which included a “non-answered” Q&A session.  Then, all of Chinese colleagues in TS RnD China Site were forced to stop any works immediately, sign the “agreement” in three days and leave HP as soon as possible. Meanwhile, TS RnD will backfill and hire more people in Germany, US, Ireland and India. 


Key Decision makers:











Otto Roerden


Vice President


Decision maker




Paddy Medley




Decision maker




Scott Weller


Senior President




United States



Official explanation:

Reducing costs and optimizing the allocation of resource

Comment: Fire Chinese and hire new people in Germany, US, Ireland and India, reducing costs?  Close the biggest site with all knowledge of all products and rebuild this knowledge in a new team in other sites, optimizing resource?

Real Reason:

Racial and national origin discrimination and the political scandal

Comment: a typical project team in TS RnD is mostly like a football team in The FA Premier League. The teammates who are coming from different country play on different position. If the League announces that all American players are forbidden in the whole league. What is your thought, Meg?


Although this is known to all that we couldn’t change anything at all: comparing with the whole HP, one hundred people’s voice is too weak to be heard; comparing with the SVP and VP, my grade is too low to impact the final decision. We cannot survive in this mismatched war. However we believe there is still someone in HP who will feel ashamed on this dirty trick and there is still someone in HP who will stand up as us when he/she is suffered unfair treatment.


We decide to quit this company which was once regarded as the platform we could “make it matter”, light the passion and share the dream.  But till now, it’s hard to say bye to all of friends here. HP is a great company with lots of talented people, but HP is also a place with extreme complicated organization structure and always “make it mad”.  We are all HP employees who deserve to be treated with respect and recognition. Today, however, the company is not setting a good example.


In the end, I propose to carefully consider the following suggestions:


  1. When leadership begin to lay off 16,000 employees in the coming quarters, please make sure that all things are in the way of openness, transparency, participation, and for the company's interests. The target is not only to reduce the cost number in the financial report, but also to aim with efforts for higher productivity. 

  2. For Racial and other political reasons, the behavior against the company and individual should be banned and the relevant personnel should take the consequences, whatever his rank is and social relations are.

  3. Never cover up another mistake with a mistake.

  4. HP way is proved by action but not fine words.

For the discrimination behavior that we experienced in HP, we reserve the right to appeal by China and U.S. law.


Kevin Li  On Behalf Of all colleagues in China TS RnD center


Cell: 86-13661661926


Wechat: kevinlee999999

Sina Weibo:  为了忘却的纪念617


PS: Tencent and Sina should pay for advertising to me



From: Li, Li (Kevin, TS R&D) 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:55 AM



以下是昨日回复SBC team的邮件:








依然清晰地记得,2012713日,来到hp的第一天,首先见到了Kevin,他穿着短裤,拖鞋,满脸的笑容,Kevin带我见了Kent, 竟然也是短裤,拖鞋.我想,这一定是我喜欢的地方。那天,Cloud顶着一个爆炸头,很热情地告诉我各种情况。青霞感冒了,穿着那件绿色格子衬衫,还很单纯的样子。我就坐在了他俩中间。

PAF2.0开始了,Rule,SBS,UI都慢慢变得熟悉起来jasper,john,youg,Jacky,Tim,Jim 也慢慢熟悉了,这是一个很随和的team.对了,还有那个很拽的家伙,下午才来的一舟。后来我们迎来了rainnick.














All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.


If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering...







除了我的团队,在中国我们一共有一百个同事参与了TSR&D 3个产品线的10余个产品组的开发与测试的工作。这基本上涵盖了TS R&D所有的产品组的各个不同的岗位,其中有大量岗位的knowledge是上海团队所独有的。在去年和今年至今为止,中国团队的绩效也得到了多方面的肯定和赞扬,正如某位副总裁亲口承认,TS R&D在中国的各个团队没有任何绩效的问题。中国团队对于工作的态度在整个部门中是最积极。就在宣布消息的前一天晚上十点还有众多同事还在公司辛勤的忙碌着。如果我们的离开能够帮助公司优化成本,整合资源,或许我们并不会这么无奈。在项目进行中,按地域和种族裁减掉众多拥有多年经验的高绩效的员工,同时开始在成本更高的国家招聘新的员工,以满足公司成长的目标。这个逻辑有点考验我们的智商。








前天看到一句话: 记住不要欺骗和伤害别人,因为能被你欺骗和伤害的人,只有那些真正相信你和爱你的人。










From: Li, Li (Kevin, TS R&D) 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:08 PM
To: TS RnD Team Roerden All
Subject: Fareware TS R&D




I am Kevin from shanghai site. My team have worked on PAF, IRS and MC Refresh in the past 3 years. You may know me or not, but it’s not important any more since I will leave HP with other 100 shanghai team members in the coming few weeks and these colleagues will lose their jobs and hopes from next month, Not only themselves, but also including 100 families will be hurt deeply by this decision.


Yesterday we were all shocked for the nightmarish message from the VP that Shanghai site will be closed (this is without any earlier notification). We cannot believe that the access authority to any project system has been removed in such a short time,   our engineers are still working on the daily tasks 20 minutes ago and would like to check in the code, we couldn’t  finish tasks even it is ready to go. We were also not ready to stop all the projects meetings, and discussion. All is a sudden!


In the 10 minutes all-hands meeting which includes a “non-answers” Q&A session, everything is confidential to shanghai team. Then we are forced to sign the so-called “Agreement” papers in 3 days and leave HP in the next few weeks. The girls began to cry, we stopped them: “ Don’t weep for others’ fault. We are always doing great job and never made any mistakes. The only reason of this decision is that we are Chinese and we live in China.” We know that only China site will be closed, while there’s not any impact to India, Europe and US TS  R&D. They will continue to hire more people recently.


I don’t want to complain anyone or anything here. All what I want to do is just to hope the friends here could remember us --TS RnD Shanghai team;  please don’t hesitate to say bye and thanks to our Chinese friends,  wish all the best. We are all HPer during a couple of years, which is precious and unforgettable indeed.


Last night one ex-HPSCer posted a twitter “ I was roused from sleep at 3:00 a.m. I thought I would attend a regular conference call in the morning. After a while, however, I notice I don’t need to attend this meeting any more. Then insomnia…” I believe he is not the only one who lost sleep last night. June 17th ,2014 is a special day for entire shanghai site and TS R&D. You cannot imagine that even on 16th, MC team successfully released 1403’s package and PAFers still stick on the tasks for the coming sprint demo till 10 pm. I know this is not a big issue that everyone cares about. But as a manager in China, I’d like to  say to the whole team: you really did the great works, I’m proud of you all !



I attached some photo and hope shanghai team could be remembered, sometime, somewhere…


Best Regards





In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist; 
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; 
And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; 
And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up. 

Martin Niemoller 1945


其实公司裁人有什么大惊小怪的?我曾经工作过两个大公司的都这样裁过人,在美国这是常事吧 -pollyli- 给 pollyli 发送悄悄话 pollyli 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2014 postreply 12:56:19

HP close its China site?? -Quarx- 给 Quarx 发送悄悄话 Quarx 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2014 postreply 13:36:54

中国人还是太不了解资本社会了。美国公司根本不appreciate loyalty. -CirrusCloud- 给 CirrusCloud 发送悄悄话 CirrusCloud 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2014 postreply 15:11:54

当初上海site开的时候,美国本土裁了不少人,现在估计找到更便宜的labor了 -clipmom- 给 clipmom 发送悄悄话 clipmom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2014 postreply 18:53:15

是很野蛮!那年,老东家Nortel关闭俺们的点,提前三月通知,有些鸟人当天就怠工,天天混了。 -VCPP- 给 VCPP 发送悄悄话 VCPP 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/13/2014 postreply 06:41:34

这个关门应该有前兆吧。业绩一定不好,也应该有交接的迹象。这些人是当鸵鸟呢还是就要抗议出出气? -Fay大道- 给 Fay大道 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/14/2014 postreply 21:13:26

挺你,兄弟,加油 -mashu007- 给 mashu007 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/17/2014 postreply 02:59:31



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