Sophistication – in English!

来源: 2014-04-22 11:11:18 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Sophistication – in English!


“We are adding staff, and moving people around in the office, and 。。。. I have fond memories of the old gang.”

短短几句,信息清楚(We are adding staff – 公司生意有发展;and moving people around – 其本人也升了官加了权; I have fond memories of the old gang – 他对过去的老伙计的能干和忠诚满意,如果把他们重新招入麾下对他是最有利的)。

而且,还态度谦躬,行为得体,可进可退(I have fond memories of the old gang – 先看看这帮混小子的反应,有那混得好的不屑于回去重新给他捧臭脚,那也没事,大把的college kids还没地儿去哪,招几个训练训练也行,要求又不高。。。)。

人精啊:),可是要想混出点门道,不学着点人精行吗?(和平年代,又是机会主义国家,又不是搞阶级斗争 – 那个搞法就不一样: “十亿人民,不斗行吗?”)。

好了,言归正传: This is a great chance to learn sophistication: never turn around a SMILING FACE! (And never bite a FEEDING HAND). And, if that woman had been me, she would respond in a way like:

I am really flattered – I'm so glad I performed that well! I also have very fond memories about my boss, is there anything I can do for you this time? (and move one from there... go get the job):)