
来源: missC 2014-04-13 22:33:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2533 bytes)
回答: 求建议,非常感谢!blessmom2014-04-13 08:57:27

从你的诉说来看,这个人本质不是什么好人,如此明目张胆又无耻地抢你的工作成果,还反过来踩你. 你还居然处处给予配合,天下竟有你这么笨的人! 这个人肯定一次又一次地在心里笑你愚蠢. 看清楚了他的真面目,你管他什么"公司老人"? 他不值得你的尊敬,明白吗? 这是"敌",不是"友". 你和这种人是永远不可能成为朋友的,所谓道不同不相为谋.你只求共事期间表面假惺惺友好就行了.认清这点,接下来应该采用什么行动就有明确方向了.


Don't share any of your work or experiment with him. Don't publish the key steps if you are required to publish your experiment in the db, or wait to as late as possible to publish it, or just publish the high level info, not every detail. Don't explain anything to him about your experiment. If he approaches you for new idea, don't provide any. Just respond in a joking way, such as;"hehe, You are a born genius, you already know all!", with a big smile :-). To net, do not give him the opportunity to steal your work.

At the same time, set up a good communication channel with your boss, such as a weekly 1-on-1 meeting with your boss. Keep your boss updated what you are doing, provide your boss all your experiment details as record and proof that the work is done by you while keep this guy completely out of loop. Make your boss know what you are doing is key. Don't be shy. Don't be afraid to talk to and meet your boss.

If this guy challenges you and picks problem out of your experiment, ask him directly but politely and professionally what step is wrong and what is his "correct" approach, what is his proof that your experiment can't be repeat with similar result. You can then share with the entire team the small deviation of your results. If you are technically good but he is not, he will stumble. Do this a few time in front of everyone, make him 自暴其短, he will learn and re-think about doing it again. If he claims the work is done by him, ask when he did it and his proof.不要因为他是"公司老人"就让他踩你.他和你一样是给公司打工的.



Good luck learng and growing.

