回复:Termination and resign the same time?

来源: 2014-04-01 20:38:25 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Does not matter too much, either way. 三十五岁以后跳槽就得比较慎重。否则很难跟下一家解释。

Do not know what type of business you are in. Mind me ask what you do? DBA? Developer? PM? 为什么老板那么苛刻?工作很难吗?Do you guys have communication problem between you and your manager? Do you guys understand each other? which part he is not satified? tech skills? lack of busniess domain knowledges? I think for your own future benefit, you need to sort those out so that you can improve. Sometime the problem lies at communication, not necassarily hard "performance". 

And location matters too. If you are in places like Bay area, it will much easier to find next one.