well if you want I can forward your article to your state attorn

来源: 2012-11-29 14:40:50 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1. 43 岁男病人,胆囊结石住院。走进去,自我介绍。然后告诉他我来做腹部超声。他一听很不高兴地说,“我住进来第三天了, CT, MRI, X-ray 都做了。超声也在门诊做过。诊断已明确,等手术。

2. 病人二: 54岁女病人, 右手摔后肿胀。 我推着机器刚进门。她立马问 “又是什麽检查?“ 我说: “颈动脉超声。“ 病人变得非常激动“ 这些医生就是搞钱。我的颈动脉不能再好了。他们不检查我的手,来检查我的颈动脉。

3. 我知道这个开颈动脉超声的医生是印度人,他开这个检查是因为他自己发报告 ,所以他能挣钱!!这个医生根本连病人都没看过,现在都成了“远程医疗“ 医生在家 电脑看病人的情况开检查, 发报告。

4. 心脏科医生开和读心脏和颈动脉超声,神经科医生开和读颈动脉超声,脑CT,MRI.

The patient demographic information along with the symptom and the description of doctors (including race) makes it quite easy to identify the doctor then patient. Do you know how many Indian neurologists are licenced every year? It's very easy to identify that neurologist then from his patient history the two patients that you mentioned.