这么说 中不中

来源: 2010-02-23 09:12:48 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
在一家公司担任SENIOR MANAGEMENT 职位,工作了5个月由于公司并购,被LAID OFF,现在申请新的工作,
1. 是否要在简历上写上这段工作经历,是否要注明是公司并购,否则别人会认为我是不胜任该职位工作被LAY OFF 的?
-- List if the experience in this period help sell you for the next job.
-- Not need tell on resume, just tell in the in terview if they ask. Company merge is a normal business activity, nothing to so with your performance, people understood.

2. 是否可以申请MIEDIUM LEVEL 工作,诸如MANAGER 之类?
-- Of course if you need job and money.

3. 是否就不能再申请JUNIOR LEVEL职位,诸如ASSOCIATE 或 COORDINATOR 之类?如果真的为5斗米折腰的时候?
-- I rememver I CEO who was payed annual $750k got a job to deliver pizza with $7.5/hour, he is a strong men, Why not?
-- We wish you geta job soon!