
来源: 2010-01-05 12:32:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
IMO,千万不要抵触,如别人提意见,如果你认为是善意的建议,对项目可能有帮助,GOTO A; 如果你认为不是善意的刁难,GOTO B:

A。 “it might be a good option; let me SPEND SOME TIME and think about it" or "it is very interesting, I will see what I can do" etc.
今后在会上汇报工作时,要表扬提建议的人,give credit to others,搞好关系,体现团队精神。

B。 不说话,面带微笑(稍微一点点嘲笑,要把握分寸)听完。可追问“anyone wants to give comments?". 会后我行我素,按自己的计划干,在给老板私下汇报时说,“I have considered XXXX's comments/opinion/input, but it does not make sense at all...." etc. 老板面前也就交代完了。