
来源: 2009-06-29 09:11:53 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
19:00 (USA PST), Tuesday. Tele-conference
Attention, the phone number has changed. Here is the new number:218-862-7200 code: 404101
You are welcome to join from anywhere you like.
19:00 to 19:05: 开场白.
19:05 to 19:30: Typical Behavior Interview Questions
19:35 to 20:30: 职场普若费心恼,分享,大家听听你,你听听大家
(Questions and experience about 职场 professional, 题目建议者:我边走边问)

为了增进会议的亲和感, 请各位发言前先介绍自己的 ID.
为提高会议的效率, 问答时最好紧扣主题, 长话短说, 以便在有限时间内多回答几个问题.
为提高会议收听质量, 旁边有躁声的话, 请按 4* 消音. (push 4* to mute/unmute yourself).

主任录音官: 我边走边问
录音审察官: 含娜

To get the Recorded Teleconference: Please click [博客] under the topic of this message, then click Recorded Teleconference.

多谢大家热情到会. 咱参与, 咱奉献, 咱提高, 咱改变, 咱高兴!