
来源: 2009-04-01 09:31:36 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
--- Outline of Mar 31 Tele-Conference -----------
March 31 tele-conference call took more than two hour. Many interesting questions and topics are discussed.
经验丰富的一级棒兄针对很多问题给予了非常有价值的回答. 一位管着15人的女狭给大家补充讲了如何写好简历. 看着大家谈的热闹, 一直在天上盘旋的飞鹰终于在会议临了前以甜美悦耳之声音现身...
喜气连年在千呼万唤中始终没空闲. 小谋借故手机不发声, 无言.
吴用明知他飞鹰姐来了, 仍不出来拜见.
含娜设置好录音后, 把肆洞肆妖洞妖错拨到奥爸妈的飞机上, got "Wrong Number"!

谢谢一级棒兄, 女狭, 充满爱心的美女, 美声的飞鹰 以及问问题的各位!
咱参与, 咱奉献, 咱提高, 咱改变, 咱健康, 咱高兴!

- Any information or advice about how to find a Buyer job in Texas?
- Any suggestion about how to transfer from academic filed to industry?
- What suggestions if my employer pay my H1B visa fee and offer me very low salary and bind me in the job for one year?
- 喜气连年最近新养成的习惯,"每一次interview,都偷偷瞄几眼" 对找工银的重大意义之共同探讨...
- 改变小谋职场生涯的一周之探讨...
- 本人能经常和老板聊天, 一聊一个多小时, 家里另一半说这样不妥, 咋办?
- 跟老板保持距离, 注意上下级关系;
- 一切行动服从领导;
- How to write a good resume if I have 20 years work experience;
- 女狭的经验之谈:最好在简历上能量化工做的复杂性, 并说明该项目的意义;
- 美女同胞上班中若遭遇性骚扰, 该不该告公司?
- 好命女的老板在远方, 怎么保持沟通?
- 俺家公子学化学, 但更感兴趣数学, 该不该转统计?
- 为什么应鼓励你的孩子上法学院;
- What I do if the hiring contract includes some terms I don't like?
- Business Analyst 之其它称呼如何? How to write resume if I transfer to Database job?

含娜已将会议录音: Please click [博客] in the top of this page, then click Recorded-Tele-Conference to get March 31 recorded tele-conference.