【钢琴梦舞】- Kevin Kern《云淡风清》等3CD音乐选听 by lili~
文章来源: smallguy2012-10-14 16:08:59



此音乐合集选自新世纪钢琴家Kevin Kern三张专辑:《想象之光 Imagination's Light》,《夏日梦舞 Summer Daydreams》和《云淡风清 Embracing The Wind》.清澈而没有过多的粘稠,温柔却又溪水长流。Kevin再以悦耳和亮丽的琴声谱出心灵杰作,更加入柔情的小提琴和单簧管伴奏,听起来非常温暖和舒适。


01. Le Jardin
02. Once in the Long Ago
03. Water Tapestry
04. Pan's Return
05. Pastel Reflections
06. Whisperings
07. Summer Daydreams
08. Dance of the Dragonfly
09. Return to Love
10. Blossom On The Wind
11. The Silence Of Knowing
12. Above The Clouds
13. Bathed In Dawn's Light
14. From This Day Forward
15. A Secret Grove
16. Safe in Your Embrace
17. In My Life
18. Remembering the Light
19. Through Your Eyes
20. I Am Always Right Here
21. And the Light is Forever
22. We All Fall In Love Sometimes
23. Pearls of Joy
24. After The Rain
25. Sweet Dreams
26. Fantasia's Lullaby
27. A Gentle Whisper