Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) Rosamund Pikey喜欢能忘我时间段长的
文章来源: TJKCB2024-03-16 23:43:50

大多数人都没有时间感觉--专注一件事情的时间越长,其单位时间的价值越大。“一小时的价值不等于两个30分钟的价值的叠加。当时间分割成很小的片段的时候”。 对于我来说,好像正好相反。坚持一个小时的学习效果,没有坚持两个三十分钟的效果好。



why I wanted to get lost in seeing a moviey喜欢能忘我时间段长的, which I did in this.
Watching the movie "Jack Reacher," featuring Tom Cruise in the titular role, was an experience that allowed me to get lost in the narrative and immerse myself fully in the character's world. Despite the notable deviation in physical stature between Tom Cruise and the Jack Reacher depicted in Lee Child's novels, Cruise's portrayal captured the essence of the character in a way that transcended mere physical attributes.
What drew me in the most was Cruise's ability to embody Jack Reacher's unwavering commitment to justice, regardless of the odds stacked against him. The character's disregard for conventional norms and legalities in pursuit of what he deems right is both captivating and inspiring. Cruise's portrayal exuded an aura of confidence, intelligence, and moral certainty that made it easy to root for Reacher as he navigated through complex and dangerous situations.
Moreover, the film's fast-paced action sequences and gripping storyline kept me engaged from start to finish. The tension created by Reacher's relentless pursuit of truth and justice against formidable adversaries added layers of excitement and intrigue to the narrative.
Ultimately, what resonated with me the most was the way Cruise's portrayal captured the essence of Jack Reacher's character – a man driven by an unyielding sense of righteousness and a willingness to stand up for what's right, no matter the cost. Despite any physical disparities, Cruise's performance brought to life the essence of Reacher's larger-than-life personality and his ability to triumph against adversity through sheer willpower and determination. Watching "Jack Reacher" was not just about enjoying a thrilling action movie; it was about immersing oneself in a world where justice prevails, regardless of the obstacles in its path.




Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) “He doesn’t care about the law, doesn’t care about proof, he only cares about what’s right.”

Tom Cruise is 5 ft 5 in. Jack Reacher in the books is 6ft 5 in. Tom Cruise's acting makes Jack Reacher look like he is 7 ft 5 in---in life and in battlefield WINS someone' size of willpower and soul - but NOT the body' size! Tom is just perfect for this role!

Ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) leaps off the pages of Lee Child’s bestselling novel and onto the big screen in the explosive thriller the critics are calling “taut, muscular, gruff and cool.". When an unspeakable crime is committed, all evidence points to the suspect in custody, who offers up a single note in defense: “Get Jack Reacher!” The law has its limits, but Reacher does not when his fight for the truth pits him against an unexpected enemy with a skill for violence and a secret to keep. * Peter Suderman, THE WASHINGTON TIMES


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Jack Reacher as a character really brings a unique blend of intellect, physical strength, and moral certainty that's hard to find elsewhere. It's amazing how he can walk into any situation, no matter how complicated or dangerous, and find a way to navigate through it with his own brand of justice. For anyone following his stories, either through the books or adaptations, it's like getting a masterclass in resilience and adaptability. Plus, the way he stands up for what's right, regardless of the odds, is truly inspiring. What do you appreciate the most about Jack Reacher's character?

The phrase "can't see the forest for the trees" is an idiom that means someone is so focused on small details or individual parts of a situation that they fail to understand the larger picture or context. Essentially, they are unable to grasp the overall perspective or significance because they are too preoccupied with minor aspects. It implies a lack of awareness of the broader implications or patterns because of excessive attention to insignificant details.