Magic of Ordinary Days一娃兩人三餐四季日子平凡如斯生活美好如斯總結的太好了!喜歡!
文章来源: TJKCB2023-04-19 15:44:27



jia chen

1 month ago

Serena Qiang

2 months ago
关于无条件的爱, 和宽恕的故事。 宽恕别人, 也宽恕自己。 怜惜与爱, 真正有担当, 心底宽广的男子。 很高兴还能看到这样的电影。 英文版电影改编自小说: (来自维基百科:) “The Magic of Ordinary Days is a Hallmark Hall of Fame production based on a novel of the same name by Ann Howard Creel and adapted as a teleplay by Camille Thomasson.[1] It was directed by Brent Shields, produced by Andrew Gottlieb and stars Keri Russell, Skeet Ulrich, and Mare Winningham.[1] 这部小说一定要找来读读。



2 months ago (edited)


8 days ago
终于换音乐了,否则都快听得头疼了 故事不错,很真实,活得卑微的是女主,她还各种清高,看不起农民,农民也不怕她的碾压,单纯质朴打天下,你没辙 她太过自责,所以自卑,没自信,才妄想通过那些学识学历,高屋建瓴来找回存在感 雷足够暖男,一切都明晰却从不戳破,这是多有风度的人啊,一直在护着她,他才真是人间大智慧,大明白,知道自己的位置,也知道媳妇的弱点,知进退,会疼人,这样的男人胸怀才伟大,即便被她以误会来看扁,人家也不急于向她证明自己


女主知道自己错了,认知自己的丑陋就想一走了之,才是最不负责最没担当的表现,有问题解决问题,你以逃跑的方式算怎么回事儿,对雷是不公平的 所以别轻易地以自己出身城市,或者上过多少学就产生出莫名的优越感,也别因为人家是农民就瞧不起,雷身上的温柔大度,是很多城里公子哥儿不具备的,他对媳妇的保护,体贴,是很多受过高等教育却酸文假醋的虚伪男人比不了的 瞧不起人家半天,才知道人家也有着很好的家庭,很好的家教,就连他的姐姐姐夫,都比很多城里的婆家人要友善得多,在姐姐为了保护弟妹脸面,对女儿的教育那里就能看出


甭管你来自城市还是农村,只要一个人明事理,他就是值得交往的 对自己与渣男之间的狗血经历,她一直没想明白自己到底错在哪儿了,还一意孤行,那是她还没放下,但日本姑娘算是给她上了一课,更是敲醒警钟,这小姑娘就像一面镜子,照出了她的可笑,于是她用挽救,这一善举,完成了与往事干杯,与曾经那个天真单纯缺爱又自负的自己的告别,对别人伸出的援手,怎知不是对自己的一记耳光

现实终将教会每一个未经世事的女孩子,什么才是最重要的,怎样待你才是真爱,是排解了你的寂寞后却不想对结果负责,还是把关心都渗透在了细节里,能因为对你的喜爱去努力靠近你,愿意为你改变他自己的很多很多 没有暖男把在乎这件事摆到你面前,你可能很难分辨谁是真人,谁是伪善


2 months ago

Xian Xian

2 months ago
宫崎骏说:”爱不是打造一个完美的人,而是学会用美的眼光,欣赏那个不完美的人。” 你的过去我未曾参与,那是我的遗憾,你的未来我申请加入,那是我的荣幸。感恩惜福 []


Bo Park

2 weeks ago
04:42 里面有个小细节:那个有父亲怀表的抽屉里还有一枚叠成三角的美国国旗。当一个美国士兵去世以后,政府会派一个专业的军人小队举办葬礼,然后会在现场叠好美国国旗,赠与家人,以致家人最崇高的敬意。伴侣有最优先权被赠与旗帜,其后是子嗣,再然后就是父母或者兄弟姐妹。以此类推,他的弟弟战死的时候应该是单身,而且父母早已离世。(本人曾是美军军葬小队队长) 里面还有父母的遗物外加一个磨破了的圣经。可见那个抽屉就是他对所有家人满满得思念。

Wei Jiang

2 months ago
We all look for unconditional love, for someone who love us as who we are, 童年缺失的人尤其如此。但是爱和付出是相互的,我们被爱护被欣赏的同时也要真心去爱护和欣赏对方,否则这样的事就永远是童话故事。电影里的女主到最后接受了平淡真实的生活,接受了男主无条件的爱,希望最后能真正去欣赏去爱男主。



巨大的认识鸿沟, 逐渐用真情填平, 人这一生从来都不是完美平顺, 人生的过程就是逐梦与接受现实之间不断平衡的一个过程




"The magic of Ordinary Days." Miss the sincerity, miss everything. [The wonder of life lies in believing that good things can happen to you, which is why we should never lose the ability to believe in the beauty of life.]"Only you know the warmth and coldness of life, there is no good or bad, no right or wrong, for ordinary is beautiful."[There are countless emotions in the world, but only the ordinary ones are the most valuable.] ["The vast gap of understanding is gradually bridged with true emotions. Life is never perfect and smooth. The process of life is a constant balancing act between pursuing dreams and accepting reality. Only by pursuing persistently in the darkness and uncertainty can one realize that a calm and ordinary life is the true essence.

We all seek unconditional love, for someone who love us as who we are, especially those who lacked it in childhood["The naive and self-righteous me who used to be innocent and lacked love."]. But love and giving are mutual. While we are loved and appreciated, we must also sincerely love and appreciate the other person. Otherwise, such things will always be fairy tales. In the movie, the female protagonist accepts the simple and real life and the unconditional love of the male protagonist in the end, hoping to truly appreciate and love him.

Reality will eventually teach every inexperienced girl what is truly important and how to treat you with true love. Is it someone who only relieves your loneliness but does not want to take responsibility for the result, or someone who shows their care through small details, tries to get closer to you because of their fondness for you, and is willing to change himself for you in many ways? Without a warm-hearted man who puts caring first, it may be difficult for you to distinguish between who is genuine and who is hypocritical. its emphasis on the characteristics of Christianity: forgiveness, TOLERANT & love

It was directed by Brent Shields, produced by Andrew Gottlieb and stars Keri Russell, Skeet Ulrich, and Mare Winningham



This movie has touched me so much! Most of all, his positive spirit (face to a woman with a past and with no apparent intentions of having a true marriage with him) , his generosity, his forbearance and his gentleness! Due to all these, he finally made her love him! I was never like that in my relationships and that 's a big lesson for me... The second thing that was unexpected, is that he (with no studies, cultural and social status, no experiences on love affairs, as she has) appears in the beginning as a simple farmer with no value at all, but on the course of the events, proves to be more confident than her!
This is really "The Magic of Ordinary Days", I love how calm the film is, how meaningful the dialogues are, how humane the story is. Everything is so simple and so powerful. I've watched this many times but still love it. People love Ray for his kind heart, but I think Ray's sister is also a generous woman with a positive energy, she was kinda shocked when Livy wanted to leave, but never judged her at all. Everything is perfect and this is one of the best films I've ever watched. Thank you so much for sharing <3