taste - How?
文章来源: TJKCB2019-01-15 13:11:33
Taste: taste - How? Spread out of taste meaning as follows:

T -- Top mountains - overview all current major newspapers and magazines for new trends, emerging concepts and technologies ""杨振宁提到他的导师美国氢弹之父泰勒(E.Teller),说泰勒的想法非常多,一天可能有10个idea,他与以前人们的研究方法不同,他注重数学跟物理学的关系的“精神”而不注重细节。别人都在证明定理,而泰勒不在乎证明,他的想法非常直觉的,他的“触角”伸得非常远,往往在没有看清一个东西的时候抓住了它的“精神”,然后再想办法把中间的路连起来。"

A -- Appraise the value of what you know - sort them out to find its value
S -- Select the key information
T -- Tap on the source of inspiration to create, to innovate, to build up
E - Elevate to everlasting places: writing, publications, Heaven paradise.



杨振宁:taste、spirit;李政道:抓关键;李远哲:刨根问底;丁肇中:勤奋              http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201512/425513.html

(0/3522 reads) 2015-12-22 10:46:12