文章来源: TJKCB2017-07-14 12:49:35
English or Chinese? Which is better? The rule of thumb for communication?

"What is the old rule of thumb?
It is a general principle that gives practical instructions for accomplishing or approaching a certain task. Typically, rules of thumb develop as a result of practice and experience rather than from scientific research or theory."

"Rule of thumb - Wikipedia
It is often claimed that the term rule of thumb is derived from a law that limited the maximum thickness of a stick with which it was permissible for a man to beat his wife. ... In 1976, women's rights activist Del Martin used the phrase "rule of thumb" as a metaphorical reference to describe such a doctrine."

So, what's your point? What's The rule of thumb for communication?  Simple: with whom do you want to communicate?
什么是沟通的经验法则? 简单:你想和谁沟通?
袁隆平的秘书杨耀松表示: “因为这次来的外国院士比较多,翻译可能把原来的意思变得不准确,尤其是一些专业术语,所以直接用英语沟通更加顺畅”。
谈论中国历史用中文易听众明白:曹操煮酒论英雄-历史故事就出现。科技? 中医宜中文, 西医宜英语,得要听众接受而定.

O87岁袁隆平飚英语刷屏 他有位特别的英语老师】袁隆平的这次英文演讲发生在7月11日的第十届海外高层次人才座谈会暨海外院士青岛行“雁栖湖论坛”中。


虽然在开场时,袁隆平谦虚地表示,“I speak broken English”(我的英语不好)。然而演讲全程流畅,几乎未见停顿或错误。要知道这不是一场普通的演讲,为了准确地介绍杂交水稻的情况,袁隆平得引用数据和专业术语。收起全文d