文章来源: AP242012-07-23 13:57:11
21日星期一。我醒来后去LIVING ROOM的RECLINER CHECK LG。他半坐在那里,说,他脚肿了。我一看,他脚上的黄袜子没了,露着白白光光的两支肿脚。他接着说,我刚吃了两片利尿药(护士开的药量是一天一片,连吃7天)。我说,我得问医生,你不能随便改药量。。。给医院打电话,没找到DISCHARGE我们的护士,但得到了其他护士的ADVICE:脚肿是CIRCULATION的问题。因此,要把脚的高度抬到和心脏一样平,这样有助血液循环。我转告LG了。他照着做。


Hi Y'all,

I returned home yesterday afternoon. We got the house modified somewhat for my mobility needs. I shaved this morning for the first time in six days. That is a tremendous improvement believe me.

I will be doing minor walking exercises a couple of times a day. It is interesting that I can be sitting in a reclining type of chair and feeling fairly well but when I get up and I start to do something I tire quickly, a normal reaction after major chest surgery. Not much stamina back yet. I do not remember anything directly about the surgery but there are a lot of immediately post-op events I remember.

I will remain on calorie and diet restrictions for a couple of more weeks I expect.

That's all for now. I'm recovering according to plan. Thanks to all of you for your support.


他不再需要我替他UPDATE他的情况。手术过后第6天他就开始BACK TO HIS LIFE了。随后,他回复了公司里的几个EMAILS。


Smoked, Pulled Pork with Potato Salad and Baked Beans

Italian Grilled Chicken served with whole wheat fettuccini and green salad with ranch dressing

Beef soft tacos with Spanish rice and refried black beans with all sides


Double Fruit mostly melon.
Finer texture chicken salad


吃过晚饭,他要按他EMAIL里说的,今天开始去外面的SIDEWALK上进行走路练习。这时太阳快落山了,也不很热,我挽着他慢慢地在家们前的SIDEWALK上走。走走停停,走过几家邻居,再折回来。他的肺功能没有恢复,所以即使很慢地走,都要不时地停下来喘气。还拌有咳嗽。我说,Your lung loves your heart so much that it sacrificed itself to save heart. 他说,I love YOU。
