文章来源: 工作英语2009-09-05 05:56:28

                  First day at work at a new job. 上班第一天


第一天到公司上班,给上级和同事留下一个良好印象是一件非常重要的事情。得体的介绍和问候会给对方留下美好印象,还要记得初次见面时必不可少的一句话,就是"Nice to meet you.(见到您很高兴。)"每当对方报上姓名时,你一定要记得说这句话。当然用"Glad to meet you." "Pleased to meet you."也可以。

在正式场合中,"握手"来显示你的诚意。当然不要忘了微笑一下,因为微笑是消除隔阂、沟通心灵的最好方法。记得握手时看着对方的眼睛(eye contact ..作为中国人这是一个非常需要的加强的.眼睛要看着对方,让人感到你在关注他。


Dialogue 1:

Eric Wang 第一天上班,他的领导 David Ferguson 将他介绍给新同事 Margaret Smith.

Mr. Ferguson: Good morning, Eric .I am David Ferguson, your supervisor.

Eric: Good morning, Mr. Ferguson.

Mr. Ferguson: Welcome to our department. Eric. It is a pleasure to have you join our department. I want to introduce you to the people you will be working with. By the way, please Call me David.

Eric: Thank you, David.  I am delighted to be working here,.

Mr. Ferguson: Eric, This is your design group. Let me introduce you to the members of your team. Ms  Smith, I’d like you to meet Eric . Eric, This is Ms Smith.

Eric: Nice to meet you. Ms Smith,  My name is  Eric .

Ms Smith :Nice to meet you, too.  I am Margaret Smith, Everybody calls me  Maggie.  Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

Eric: I am Eric. E-R-I-C. Eric.


I am David Ferguson

My name is  Eric .

I’m Andrew Perez. Please call me Andy.

注意:David是名字,在英语中称作first name .Ferguson是姓。在英语中称作last name or family name.


There is someone I’d like you to meet.

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.

Susan, this is Andy Perez. Andy, this is Susan Hill.

Paul, this is Fred Brown. Fred, I’d like you to meet Paul Wang.


Glad to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.


Glad to meet you, too.

Nice to meet you, too.

Pleased to meet you, too.

Welcome to our company.

Welcome aboard!


Sorry. I didn’t catch your name.

Sorry. What was that?

Sorry. Could you spell that?


Sorry. My name is Andy. That is Andy. A-N-D-Y.(spell it)

一般说来,老外是很难正确读出中国人的姓名的。所以很多在外企工作的人,都用一个外文的名字,例如 James li, Andrew Sun. 由于发音的问题,经常老外会听错你的名字,及时纠正是很必要的。

Hello . My name is Tom.

Hi! Sorry. I didn’t catch your name. Could you spell that.

Sure. T-o-m. T as in tomato ;O as in open; M as in mountain.

Oh. Hi ,Tom.

为了能够拼出某个单词或名字,用一些常见的单词来帮助别人听懂, 可以说the letter + as in + a well –known word。例如T-o-m. T as in tomato ;O as in open; M as in mountain.

Dialogue 2:

In the kitchen at the Pearl Hotel, a newly graduated chef, Liang , started his first day.

Ms.White: Hello, I am Ms. White. the kitchen supervisor. Welcome to the Pearl Hotel.

Liang: Nice to meet you. Wow! This kitchen is really modern.

Ms. White: It's only one year old. So let me tell you how things work around here.

Liang: Thank you.

Ms.White :First, here's your time card. When you come in and when you leave, put your card in the time clock. You're going to work forty hours a week.

Liang:So that means if I work more than forty hours, I'll get overtime?

Ms.White: Right, you'll get time-and-a-half. Your paycheck is going to come every two weeks on Friday.

Liang: What are the hours?

Ms.White: The lunch shift is from nine to four. The dinner shift is from four to .

Liang: Okay. Oh, Do I have insurance?

Ms.White: You have medical, dental, accident, and disability. You can read this later.

Liang: Am I going to work in the kitchen?

Ms.White: Yes, The pots and pans are over there, and the plates are here. And that's the refrigerator.

Liang: Can you tell me a little about my duties?

Ms.White: Yes, you're going to assist  Mr. Keays. He's a famous chef from France.

Liang: Oh, it is my honor to work with him!

Ms.White: You're going to  help him prepare meals. He's probably going to ask you to wash vegetables and chop them. As his assistant, you're going to follow his directions.

Liang: Does that mean I won't be cooking?

Ms.White: He may ask you to cook something, but he's the chef. You're going to learn a lot from helping him.

Liang: That sounds exciting. I can't wait to start.

Ms.White: We're happy to have you, Liang.

Vocabulary and phrase

  1. time card 工时卡


When you come in , put your card in the time clock. 叫做 Punch in

when you leave, put your card in the time clock. 叫做 Punch out.


2Overtime 额外的时间,加班费

3Duty 工作职责

                   Can you tell me a little about my duties?

              Yes, you're going to assist  Mr. Keays.


 We're happy to have you, Liang

It is a pleasure to have you join our department.