好書推薦:’The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri
文章来源: lepton2016-07-29 14:24:21


名字,有人說只是個符號,但它代表著一種認同,一種歸屬,或許來自於上一輩的祝福,被賦予了特殊的意義。 全書以‘名字’貫穿一個印度移民家庭在美國紮根、成長、分支的歷程。 Gogol的父母來自Calcutta(加爾各答是印度在英國殖民時期的首都,處於印度東部恆河三角洲地區,目前是印度西孟加拉邦West Bengal首府),經傳統婚配而結為夫妻。 父親在印度上大學時,在一次火車翻車事故中險些喪命,而手中握著俄國作家Gogol的短篇集書頁翻動,吸引了救援人員的及時發現。 父親視那次的幸免於難為生命中的奇蹟,Gogol是他的救命恩人,更因為這次事故,決定趁年青去看看世界,於是來到美國讀博士,還給兒子也取名為Gogol。 父親畢業後在Boston某大學教書,母親也努力地適應Boston的苦寒和離家的寂寞。 好在他們逐漸認識了其他印度朋友,週末經常熱熱鬧鬧地聚會,品嚐家鄉的菜色,聽朋友的孩子們叫彼此叔叔阿姨。 身為移民的第一代,Gogol父母對傳統的堅持、在異鄉的寂寞、和與整個大環境的格格不入,只有在回到家鄉時才身心落定,差不多就是ABC父母的寫照。 而Gogol和妹妹成長在美國,外型雖然是印度人,但內在思維都已西化,與父母輩擁有完全不同的視角和人生觀,父母的故鄉對於他們來說遙遠又疏離。 背負著名字的陰影,背負著異鄉人的矛盾和困擾,還有同齡人的嘲弄,成年後的Gogol對自己的名字越發反感,終於決定改掉名字,“改頭換面”。 他交結金髮女友,和女友一家同居,嚮往美式文化,逐漸和家人漸行漸遠,直到又一場意外的發生。。。

作者Jhumpa Lahiri的第一本書“Interpreter of Maladies”短篇小說集得了Pulitzer獎。 她本人就是在美國成長的第二代ABCD(American Born Confused Desi) ,作為移民後裔,在西方教育和傳統文化的牽扯,肯定感受深刻,才會把這題材寫的如此絲絲入扣吧。 她的文筆細膩寫實,但細節描述稍嫌囉嗦,也許她的短篇更精彩。

這本書在2006年被拍成了同名電影。 昨天哄著老公一起看了,他嫌電影的慢節奏太悶,中途幾度揚言要棄場。 看完我跟他說,“書還又更慢呢!” 他做個昏倒狀,“你怎麼受得了?”,然後苦哈哈地聲討,“你欠我一次!” 雖然節奏慢,但電影的配樂蘊含豐富,印度竹笛的婉轉繚繞,美國嘻哈的動感,都十分貼切動人。


“But she has gathered that Americans, in spite of their public declarations of affection, in spite of their miniskirts and bikinis, in spite of their hand-holding on the street and lying on top of each other on the Cambridge Common, prefer their privacy.” 

“For being a foreigner Ashima is beginning to realize, is a sort of lifelong pregnancy -- a perpetual wait, a constant burden, a continuous feeling out of sorts. It is an ongoing responsibility, a parenthesis in what had once been an ordinary life, only to discover that previous life has vanished, replaced by something more complicated and demanding. Like pregnancy, being a foreigner, Ashima believes, is something that elicits the same curiosity of from strangers, the same combination of pity and respect.” 

“They were things for which it was impossible to prepare but which one spent a lifetime looking back at, trying to accept, interpret, comprehend. Things that should never have happened, that seemed out of place and wrong, these were what prevailed, what endured, in the end.” 

這一段很感人,Gogol和爸爸在海堤散步,走到底才發現忘記帶相機了。 “Try to remember it always," he said once Gogol had reached him, leading him slowly back across the breakwater, to where his mother and Sonia stood waiting. "Remember that you and I made this journey together to a place where there was nowhere left to go.” 

补充: Gogol后来因为母亲的建议,和同样背景的印度裔女子Moushumi结婚,似乎是最完美的安排,但仍然以离婚收场。 两人都嚮往那種sophisticated upper middle-class American material self. 而且兩個人都在identity上遭遇類似的困頓、挫敗。 Moushumi愛自己在巴黎‘經營’的那個自己:brilliant, sensual, exotic, and cosmopolitan。 當他們一起去巴黎時,Moushumi發現Gogol並不像自己想像的那麼sophisticated. 而Gogol覺得孤獨,懷舊。 Moushumi的紐約朋友圈也都是那些artsy-academic yuppies. Gogol好像沒有什麼朋友,對這種圈子也融不進,因為他曾經在Maxine家歷過那樣的生活,但最終決定那不是他的自我。 Moushumi一直不願意被婚姻定位,不願變得像媽媽那樣要靠男人生活。 她的identity似乎就是拒絕母親的重複,连带怪罪于Gogol, "Though she knows it's not his fault, she can't help but associate him, at times with the very life she had resisted, had struggled so mightily to leave behind." 而Gogol也覺得自己'whether he represents some sort of capitulation or defeat". 兩個都為自己的identity尋找、困惑、掙扎的人,實在不夠成熟,在婚姻上自然危機重重。
