文章来源: 走马读人2013-11-30 10:18:37

"蘿蔔快了不洗泥"    zt 萝卜快了不洗泥”中的“快了”,是指在市场上某种商品卖的快,买的多,货物供不应求。平时要把萝卜上的泥土洗干净,打扮一番,让买的人看着好看,愿意买。现在卖的快了,就是不洗泥也有人买。整个词语的意思是:东西缺少、商家看东西好卖,就不考虑外观形象. 

This saying has more pragmatic tint.
I usually use Google translation in order to familiarize some words firstly and ignored correctness of usage, since it is not a formal publication and I showed this weakness intentionally.  will correct it when formal grammar is required. When my post is deleted by "Children Education" repeatedly, I have some thought other than above points, time will tell...

我通常使用谷歌翻译,以先熟悉一些单词,而用法的正确性忽略,因为它不是正式出版,我故意出示这个弱点。会纠正它,当正式的语法是必需的。当我的稿件由“子女教育”一再删除,我自有看法, 除去上述原因,时间会证明一切......
It may be better to use "雪中送炭"來強調先快後好.
