文章来源: 走马读人2012-05-08 08:41:01

南宋给中国划了个分界线,所谓"崖山之后"--崖山之後無中國,(明亡之後無華夏)......称为中国之后又划了个大分界线。。。两者都在千年之交左右,都有音ao 赵姓 and ...还有不少相似,当然只是相对而言。
宋(以及大约五百年前南北朝之宋)是朝代中唯一与"中"谐音的. 这里有什么暗示的意味与预示的联想呢?
  内藤虎次郎(1866-1934,日本"支 那学"创始人之一):宋代是一个新时代的开始。日本学"唐和宋在文化性质上有显着差异:唐代是中世的结束,而宋代则是近世的开始。"

除流浪藝人身無分文 網外逃生
Racing bicycle accident, June 22, 2012
The cause is, if without hard evidence of criminal action, somewhat of mystic,almost inevitable,therefore to give the wrong doer capital punishment seems also wrong for that sake.
Since that is involved with agnosticism, I can only express my sorry for him. Since our reasoning is still at a fairly low stage, to avoid nest tragidy is to arrange this kind of activities with more scientific, including statistical research.     yantai