文章来源: 走马读人2012-02-25 13:10:07

The music is not mysterious the pentameter /is peaceful
An ATC three six dawn dream residue.
Stable operation with both hands to win the vouchers given,
only have a lattice/stick to one pattern, rare earth where/too common.
Gold raw water from the living source of soft,
burnt stone buried in the cause of death stubborn.
The forbearance see Qunxian ridicule monkey,
only to Temple, Happy Valley to play!

冰儿整,冰儿冷   因其冷,而得整   常思凝志不分心   冰艳美人乃从容   3 E.words

生疏新手不谙法    纯水"若"子陷苦网   阴冷冬日刺肉痛   非人待遇妖飞扬   1 English word

决心不赌    2 English words   4 letters max

大惊小怪叫喊  叽叽嘁嘁欢声  壁画烟雾迷漫  三角预告困境   混乱糟糕一团
被诈顽骡蠢人  柔弱女子成熟  需要多种经营     18  English words    M-

P  经过 and 纠缠 both start with p and with s in the end, but 大有不同.  Still there is a trick in it :)  Pass may relates to result--guo3, guo3 and chan2 become an interesting pair...

纠缠或明禅,  裹足难成果.  裹足无大过  裹足难经过 裹足难成果  收放要严格 

在部队,本朴素 10,1,2     转地方,好安抚 3,4     想方法,下车间 5,6    木板桥,有基础 7    画一个,平面图 5
战役前,要部署 8      有组织,有秩序 8      即将获得大成功 3      心平气和静如湖 9   P-