回复-冰块- 逢唱捧场盖蓬篷
文章来源: 走马读人2010-12-28 05:33:22

这是中文发音学习札记, 区别pen与peng: 
喷火盆花不合群   鹏飞棚户集友朋:----------PEN
逢唱捧场盖蓬篷 彭祖寿长思烹饪 怕听抨击太蓬松 砰然作响关上门
澎湃蓬勃再碰头 碰杯祝酒贺鹏程 
Try to find out the trick in these "pen" and "peng"
喷火盆花不合群....2 pen, life span is short.
the rest are pronounced as peng
鹏飞棚户是友朋: friend is necessary
逢唱捧场盖蓬篷 sing and praising...
彭祖寿长思烹饪 cooking...
怕听抨击太蓬松 avoid negative emotion
砰的一声关上门 seclusion for security...
澎湃蓬勃再碰头 high spirit and productivity
碰杯祝酒贺鹏程 grape wine for health of your heart

-xiaoyao88- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/10 17:46:48
• 都认识,都不懂 -冰块- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/10 17:46:53
• 这是神马意思?奥。。。意思神马的都是浮云。 卡卡
-扶墙进扶墙出- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/10 
• 绕口令? -Raspberries- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/10 17:56:26
• 忒深奥了,有啥寓意? -圆梦- ♀
-xiaoyao88- ♀ 冰块- ♀ 扶墙进扶墙出- ♂ -Raspberries- ♀ (0 圆梦- ♀