文章来源: 西府来子2009-06-04 08:38:20
Lawsuits Debate Lasting Lipitor Damage

What most of these experts fail to realize is that statins kill people -- lots of people -- and they wound many, many more.

All patients taking statins become depleted in Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) eventually -- those patients who start with relatively low CoQ10 levels (the elderly and patients with heart failure) begin to manifest signs/symptoms of CoQ10 deficiency relatively rapidly -- in six to 12 months.

Younger patients can tolerate the statins for several years before they begin developing symptoms.

The bottom line here is that when you treat the symptoms of high cholesterol with a drug you are in no way, shape or form treating the cause. It should come as no surprise that the artificial drugs cause serious side effects.

Why risk your health by taking drugs when there are very simple things you can do to normalize your cholesterol levels?