文章来源: 美西游子2010-02-10 12:16:48
It seems RE and stocks become popular topics here. I would kindly remind not to ignore income/sale taxes not only because it is a biggest expense in life but also it will company you day in and day out forever even after death (estate tax). To me, it is just nonsense to pay 40% or more taxes, which really discourage people to work hard, especially for middle class. So being tax smart will definitely help you to take good control of your financial life. How? Try understanding tax law as much as you could.

Keep in mind, IRS stares at you every minute when you make bucks, no matter RE, stock, home/small businesses.... Don't solely rely on your accountant. At least, you should be able to interpret all the documents prepared by your expert professionals, i.e. attorney, loan broker, RE agent and your employer, before you sign.

Since every individual aren't the same. I would suggest taking financial adviser's word with a grain of salt. Find out your own way to be rich.