Deploy wxPython environment on REDHAT 6.x (64 bit)
文章来源: 在城里2014-07-04 10:47:42

~~~~~~~~~~~Step 1: wxWidgets~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1) Download source archive of wxWidget 3.0.1 (wxWidgets-3.0.1.tar.bz2, size 19.1MB) from
or from

To expand tarball, use "tar -xvf "

2) Follow the guide to compile and install:

You might need the following build tools (-dev package included):
- g++
- autotools
- gtk+

Package Manager GUI is highly recommended here to install these necessary build tools.

3) Compile and install.
- ./configure --enable-unicode CFLAGS="-fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-fPIC"
- make
- make install
- make clean

~~~~~~~~~~Step 2: Python2.7.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Install a newer version of Python if you wish to use it
instead of the one coming with the OS.
In my case: I installed Python 2.7.2

~~~~~~~Step 3: wxPython 3.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Steps to install wxPython 3.0 from source
1) Download source (wxPython-src-

2) Build and install wxPython 3.0 to a location (/opt in my case)
Refer to this page:

3) Something like the following:
cd wxPython-src-
python2.7 --build_dir=../bld
cd wxPython-src-
python2.7 --build_dir=../bld --install

4) Then set the following variable in ~/.bash_profile:
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/wxPython-src-
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wxPython-src-$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

5) Run the demo:
python demo/

~~~~~~~Step 4: Python IDE~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Choose and install your own python IDE:
I installed Komodo 7:

The follow is to be set in ~/.bashrc:
export PATH="/opt/Komodo-IDE-7/bin:$PATH"

======= END ========