老周,I happen to agree with Ace in many aspects, 请进。
文章来源: realtiger2008-02-01 19:42:56
首先,我最终可能不会主要投在Gold & Silver上,虽然我和他对美国经济未来的走向有同感。我宁愿意在corn, wheat, sugar, coffee,oil 上。 but, that\'s a different topic.

1) 美国的最大问题,不光是体现在trade deficit 上,更大的问题是current account deficits. Peterson Institute 最近在Ways & Means Committee 上的证词上讲。“The global current account deficit of the United States is now larger than it has ever been—nearing $800 billion, almost 7 percent of US GDP. To finance both the current account deficit and its own sizable foreign investments, the United States must import about $1 trillion of foreign capital every year or more than $4 billion every working day.” 美国现在主要的方式是,print money to take care of this. 这是让Warren Buffet 和Jim Rogers 最担心的事情。因为谁都知道,这种靠印钱来过日子的方式是不可能长久的。一年,三年,五年,十年,你认为能挺多长时间呢?
这种花钱的漏洞,有哪个Nike, Boeing, Google 会来补? 而且这也不是一年两年了?

2)一个很重要的问题,在你的optimistic view 中missing的,是让美国强大的经济运作方式,并不是目前的运作方式。而是很强的制造业工业基础,coupled with innovation,和strong middle class. 我不知道您是哪个行业的,从动态的角度讲,美国从政府到很多企业对在美国国内R&D的投入意愿和增长速度来看, 都处于flat & actual decrease的趋势。 政府是budget problem,企业可以在越来越多的外包。而且是global 趋势。 给你个例子,Lilly, Pfizer, 都正在中国筹建大型R & D centers, Astra Zeneca 在中国要spend 1 billion dollars to build R&D centers. 不因为别的,the technologically competent people can do the same things, only cheaper. 而Pfizer 刚关掉Park Davis, the crown jewel of research centers in US pharmaceutical industry. 我给一两家公司做consults, 你看的出来,只要能转到中国,印度,东欧地方去做的,investors 是毫不犹豫,马上demand managerial people 去这些地方做。也不能怪企业,这也是被花街给逼出来的。

3) 我同意你说的,A股还是贵。现在很多美国股票很便宜了(最起码是表面的),我也在最近捞了一些。我不买A 股,但对中国在美国的几个ADRs看得重,随着最近的花街的动荡,它们也随着洗澡水一块儿扔出去了。

4)You are kidding, right? 每年GDP 6% 的trade deficit is no big deal?Remember, how do we fund that 6% deficit?

5) The article you cited deliberately missed one thing. The author thought he was hiding behind one major flaw of his argument.
Yes, in the past twenty years also, the large trade deficit has been correlated with 繁荣“。 But, how did US fund that deficit and 繁荣”? Use money printers, right? Thanks to Greenspan, the same guy who called subprime an innovative financial instrument? If he is THAT good as you guys believed, why are we all dealing with the current mess?