圣诞英雄试刀大会--视频 & First Report
文章来源: 力刀2006-12-25 13:24:29

发信人: shabi (猪革亮), 信区: Tennis
标 题: 圣诞英雄试刀大会(视频)
发信站: BBS (Sun Dec 24 02:15:40 2006)

久慕刀客斜线飞刀, 各路扭腰扭姐膝的英雄在CC精心组织下, 到现场观摩学习和奋勇献
身.慑于飞刀的杀伤力, 套用一句十毛话, 一时间那是满场尽现黄金甲.
比赛开始, 刀客站在球场角落单打双打线之间. 只见他绿色短衫扎在蓝色短裤里, 一条
白花花的护腰带围在绿衫外面. 刀夫人开打前还数落介身打扮不够美感, 刀客道都是来
试刀的谁个在乎. 闲话少说, 偶正看得出神, 只听得瓦的一声怒吼, 偶吓得一机灵, 球
已砸在边网上了. 老客飞刀, 果真是名不虚传啊. 偶打起十二分之精神, 全力堵截边线
, 球依然落在边线砸上边网. 一会儿功夫, 偶就遍体刀伤, 命中率是相当的高.
扭腰客说打了5场高密度, 刀客说打乐4场又和4.5打了一场. 其实偶给算了一下, 刀客
是打足3个小时一共是7场比赛, 每个球都是暴打暴抽, 体力实在是了得. 难怪吃饭时喝
了数十杯水, 最后大家酒足饭饱闲聊之际, 又吃下两盘米饭, 扫光所有菜盘. 当然偶当
时也没闲着, 是全桌13位里唯二的大卫人士.
话说吃罢饭, 大家互道圣诞快乐,各自轻车熟路上了回家的路. 偶开着开着就迷了路,
只得路边停下看路牌. 开了车门, 站在路旁, 忽见一车也路边停下. 偶定睛一看, 不是
别人正是也迷路的刀客. 介真应乐吃饭时的玩笑, 两饭桶.
奔一个刀客发球录像. 未经允许, 如有不妥, 立马删除. 时候不早, 偶XXSL先. 明儿再



※ 修改:·shabi 於 Dec 24 11:16:50 2006 修改本文·[FROM: 69.118.]
※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 68.237.]

发信人: NYlabguy (Popcorn muscle), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会(视频)
发信站: BBS (Sun Dec 24 11:36:54 2006)

This party was a great success. Thanks to CC's effort. I was fourtunate to
watch so many high hands play.

Doc's serve is like a powerful punch. It als comes with a high pitch yell.
Very intimidating style. He came in early and left last. He is in perfect
shape to play 20 more years of good tennis.

CC looks surprisingly young and handsome, could be due to tennis. His serve
is consistent and powerful. His SHBH is very impressive. I bet he will be 4.
5 next year and 5.0 the following one.

Shabi's playing style can be deceiving. He values control more than power.
But he won most of the sets. This says everything.

NewYorker is very good at net. Volley is very deep and consistent.

NCode has lots of potential. Without any league play, he can match up with 4
.0 and 4.5, and won one set, he should play in 4.0 league.

Bee is a very nice guy with a soft voice. He is playing in a 5.0 league now.
Bee is too good so I dare not to play with him. This way I can still claim
that Liquidmetal is better than Ncode. This one has to be resolved another

Lin is 4.5 and probably the best double player that day. His net game is
almost perfect. He chip-and-charges most of the time and hit a volley winner
more often than not. He missed a few tough overheads.

Overall the play was fun and competitive.

After play dinner was very good. The resturant was packed. We had the best
seats and got a discount. Thanks to CC again. The food was delicious,but the
discussion was equally good. They tried to pit me against Bee but we would
not fall for the trap.Doc derservingly led the discussion and we all had a
great time!

Looking forward to next party!

※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 69.118.]

发信人: shabi (猪革亮), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会(视频)
发信站: BBS (Sun Dec 24 12:24:36 2006)

在试刀英雄里, CC的动作最规范最漂亮.

反手的TOPSPIN放慢镜头的话, 费他奇还真有
点儿费大拿的影子. CC也能飞刀, 虽然木有刀客的那么独特, 但结合力量旋转和角度,
也是CC极具杀伤力的一门武器. 下面介个录像就是CC发球连续两次直接得分. CC是古道
热肠的侠客, 广交天下朋友. 但从不阿虞奉承, 脚得谁受了欺负, 一定要拔刀相助. 毛
球班沸沸扬扬的PNG事件, CC就是少数力顶PNG的人物. US OPEN时,CC 和WATERBOY就成


发信人: dokknife (力刀), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Mon Dec 25 11:25:07 2006)










※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 69.112.]


圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press

发信人: newyorker64 (tennis junky), 信区: Tennis
标 题: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Sat Dec 23 19:57:56 2006)

Thanks to CC's great effort. The first Christmas party is a great
success. It is nice to meet some of the area's ppls.

For court#1 we(CC, Doc, Shabi, Newyorker64) played a total of 5 intense sets
. Very high quality and competitive tennis. One of the sets went to 6-6 and
finally decided by a score of 8-6. We have seen some very nice and
entertaining shot. We had a lots of fun. We should do this again.

Doc's wide serve on the deuce court is very deadly. I felt lucky not to play
the duece side. Otherwise, I don't know how the handle it.

CC's all court game was on full display.

Shabi's consistance enabled him to win most sets. Good job.

All and all, this is a great and fun tennis meeting.

I have to go out now, I am sure the will be more reports to come from other
participants. I will try another more detail report version later.

Merry Christmas everyone


发信人: chipncharge (feel the touch), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Sat Dec 23 21:39:07 2006)

man! you are quick! i will send a report later.see a lot of old and new
dinner was great as well.


※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 68.84.]

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发信人: shabi (猪革亮), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Sat Dec 23 21:57:15 2006)

FT, $200 gone.
Good report. NYer64 has good hand at net. Yeah, its a very successful party,
CC did great job. Let me digest food for a while then I'll write sth about
party and Dok's serve. I am going to show some naked pp if nobody is opposed to.

【 在 newyorker64 (tennis junky) 的大作中提到: 】
: Thanks to CC's great effort. The first Christmas party is a great
: success. It is nice to meet some of the area's ppls.
: For court#1 we(CC, Doc, Shabi, Newyorker64) played a total of 5 intense
: . Very high quality and competitive tennis. One of the sets went to 6-6
: finally decided by a score of 8-6. We have seen some very nice and
: entertaining shot. We had a lots of fun. We should do this again.
: Doc's wide serve on the deuce court is very deadly. I felt lucky not to
: the duece side. Otherwise, I don't know how the handle it.
: CC's all court game was on full display.
: Shabi's consistance enabled him to win most sets. Good job.
: ...................


※ 修改:·shabi 於 Dec 23 22:07:46 2006 修改本文·[FROM: 68.237.]
※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 68.237.]

发表文章:172 篇

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发信人: ncode (真麻烦), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Sat Dec 23 23:06:17 2006)

It's great pleasure to meet all friends (most for first time)! And I'm sure
a lot of follow-up stories will be posted here. No doubt court 1 had the
most drama. I was privileged to be playing along side that court and from
time to time I was drawn to their match when I was serving or receiving
serve. So i should apologize to Bee, my opponent here for my constant
distraction. Also because my lack of conditioning, I could not keep up with
Bee especially in the final 3rd set when I nearly got cramps in my legs. Bee
had very good serve, accurate forehand, which drove me around the court (
and helped me develop the cramp). other details I can't remmeber so clearly
now, because I'm "cooked".

about 5:30, shabi and newyorker graciously gave me the opportunity to play
the legendary Dok and Chipncharge. Fortunately my partner here is a real
high hand. (due to my poor eyesight, when chipncharge asked someone upstairs
to join me, I thought he was talking to a girl, which made me think "is he
joking? - he and dok against me with a girl?") but anyway, I was playing in
the deuce court, and got to return Dok's serve! I was nervous and
overwhelmed and missed most of the returns at first because of the pace and
angle, also because chipncharge was right there at the net ready to pounce
at my weak returns. finally I got a few back. --- but Dok was wearing the
back support today and could not really signature sharper angle serve which
would pull me to the side dividing net.

We lost the first set quickly - too many errors from my side. my partner was
patient and very forgiving - he had the confidence. maybe then he decided
he want to do it more single handedly and started to covered all the net and
I retreated to the back of the court, rarely needing to lift my finger and
the point is over. He was quick, soft handed, almost always made the right
choice where to hit, had excellent anticipation, and often jumped in air and
smashed the ball like sampras. (sorry chipncharge and dok, i'm not saying
that you were not playing great - i'm just a little too surprised/amazed by
my partner.)

Alghouth playing and watching others play today shows me there are just too
many things in my game to fix, which made me a little upset, it was indeed a
great experience. Kudos for Chipncharge for arranging the event, and for
all friends who made this event so enjoyable. I look forward to meet you
guys again in future events like this!


※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 71.249.]

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发信人: dokknife (力刀), 信区: Tennis
标 题: Re: 圣诞英雄试刀大会-- First Report! Fresh of the press
发信站: BBS (Sat Dec 23 23:48:18 2006)








※ 来源:·BBS http://.com·[FROM: 69.112.]

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