文章来源: 偶灯斯陋2016-03-20 14:26:50

Xiuhtezcatl Endorsed Bernie Sanders


桑德斯的支持者基本上是前几年的Occupy Wall StreetWe are the 99%. 把金从政治中踢出去,真正实行民主,一人一票,而不是让1%的富豪“人不够,钱来凑”。

Xiuhtezcatl 写道:“I am calling ALL of the Adults who care about the kind of world you will leave your children, to VOTE for the kind of world WE deserve to inherit by VOTING for Bernie Sanders!

It is clear that he will STAND UP to the corporate greed that is destroying our world and our future! WE NEED YOU TO STAND UP FOR US WITH YOUR VOTE! Our generation and all of you that care are LEADING the CHARGE and Bernie will support OUR LEAD in creating A better today and tomorrow.


居住在科罗拉多州宝德市的十五岁少年秀特兹卡拓 马丁内兹是一个美洲原住民或称印第安人少年,从小受父母影响积极投身环境保护活动,主动发起组织年轻人地球守护者组织,为地球的未来和人类的未来而奔走呼号。

‘Talking Strike’ for Climate Change (两年前与他弟弟发起组织的为环境“无声呼喊”活动)

Read more athttp://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/12/03/11-year-olds-talking-strike-climate-change-goes-viral-158105

他建立的少年环保组织:Earth Guardians

2015 Peace First Prize Award

2015 Nickolodean Halo Award

2014 Peace Prize First Award Finalist

2014 Brower Award FInalist

2013 Presidential Youth Council member

2013 Young Indigenous Warriors Award

2013 Youth Outreach Advisory Board (YOAB) Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Community Service

2013 International Giraffe Award

2013 Runner-up - Gloria Barron Prize

2013 Presidential United States Volunteer of the Year Award

2013 Indigenous Youth Environmental Activist Award

2012 International Eco Award

2012 Peace Maker of the Year Award

2012 Earth Savers Eco Award

2012 Peace Maker of the Year Award

2012 YOAB Certificate for Outstanding Community Service