红烧划水, 耗油牛肉
文章来源: suezi-q2007-10-25 20:46:48
红烧划水—我们江西人吃东西口味很重. 嫁给上海人后就改变了很多, 做这鱼就是一个例子.

买一鲤鱼尾,挺新鲜的.把它切开, 看图, 用酒,盐,腌半小时, 用纸巾擦干,扑上一点点淀粉,这样用油煎时不会乱溅, 皮先下,煎到金黄色,翻身,再略煎,下酒,高汤,老抽, 生抽,糖,辣椒,蒜,姜,葱,胡椒,醋,味精, 盖盖煮10分种,入味后,勾薄欠, 加蒜苗,香油,好了. 卖相不好,但很好吃.

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耗油牛肉—我开始学会用ROLL的法子把肉做的很嫩, 就再试试, 也是把flank steak牛肉,先用刀背,把肉两面拍拍,逆纹路切片,用baking soda 加水,捏到水收干,加蛋清,捏干,加酒,酱油,捏干,放冰箱2小时,拿出来,加淀粉,再抓一抓, 进油锅前再拌一点油,油锅7成热,下牛肉,用筷子拨散,6成熟,拿出,油锅炒香葱姜,加两勺耗油,糖,酒,勾欠,加牛肉,略翻炒几下好了. LG说跟上海新雅餐厅做的不差多少啦.

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自家的红薯苗没几次好採啦, 等吃红薯了, 蒜苗也不多,辣椒还很旺.

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受葱花儿和笑纳的影响, 也做了一个 Chocolate chip biscotti, 还没装盘,就吃完啦,邻居也拿了一些. 很成功!

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2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 c sugar
4 tbs butter softened
2 eggs
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 c chocolate chips

1. Pre-heat oven to 350f, use middle rack
2. Mix flour, baking powder, salt in a bowl
3. Beat butter and sugar in stand mixer, add eggs and vanilla and mix well
4. Add 2 to 3, use low speed to blend
5. Transfer dough to a parchment paper lined baking sheet, form dough into a flat log about 1” thick, bake for 35 min.
6. transfer to cooling rack let cool for 10 min, cut with bread knife about 1” strip
7. Reduce oven to 325f, bake for 15 min.

汇报完毕! 谢谢各位观众!