how to catch the rubber duckling too?
文章来源: felicia12007-07-25 14:27:05

my girl loves bathing time because she has lots of bath toys. she loves to hold one rubber ball in each hand.

the other day, i saw the following:

she had two balls in her hands. suddenly, she dropped the one on her left hand. and the ball floated to her right. she turned her body and tried to catch that ball using her left hand. but that ball went further right and her tinny hand couldn't reach it.

she passed the ball on her right hand to the left then use her right hand to catch that ball.

b4 i could praise her, her yellow rubber duckling gracefully swam to her front. she looked at it, she must be thinking "how to catch the rubber duckling too?" she took turn and looked at both of the balls.

she just leaned forward and opened her mouth to catch it.