文章来源: superson2021-01-09 08:48:48

Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics (Nine Variations)

1. 孫子曰:凡用兵之法,將受命于君,合軍聚眾。


Sun Tzu said: The rule in war is, the general must accept the commands from his monarch. His responsibility is to integrate forces and gather people.

2. 地無舍,衢地交和,絕地勿留,圍地則謀,死地則戰。


Do not encamp in an unfavorable region, make friends with neighbors when passing through heavy traffic areas, do not linger or stay in a dangerous district, find ways to quickly leave if surrounded by hostile people, must fight when falling into desperate situations.

孫子兵法8:1-2中英譯文 - 文化中國網 - udn部落格