文章来源: 加州花坊2010-05-23 07:18:22

9点学习手语演唱歌曲, 您可以在这个网址看到“ 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFFhbQiDPx4“ 。歌手是Chris Tomlin 。


10 点半帮助准备给Geroge庆祝80岁生日,12点庆生活动开始,George 讲了80年来神拯救了他的生命,对他的带领,给他力量服侍。他们请了夏威夷的歌手来唱歌,因为他9岁就到了那里在那里读书长大。我们试办指挥还做了一手George之歌,讲他怎么样在教会服侍,其实大家都会看到每周日一早他在那里清扫,平时教堂的所有杂活,修修补补都是他的。他准备了丰盛的食品,包括一整只烤猪。我们听得很感动,吃得很开心。可惜用手机照的照片传不上来。等要到照片再补。
2点50 回家睡觉。4点到Betty家ICF活动,Betty 80 岁了,先生77岁,每天都在为帮助国际学生奔忙,是我的榜样。正好碰到从中国回来得Henry, 他过去也是学生,后来也帮忙学生,后来回国帮助他父亲的公司,这次 他来送展品,把新疆的干尸运来在橙县展览了,所以来看大家。今天是欢送刚毕业的国际学生,又认识了几位国内新来的小朋友。
毕业的Jenny和Helen and Irine 那位男生是Henry.
Betty 介绍三位要走的学生,她说她不希望照片上网,结果照片一传上来就成了这个样子,神迹吧,哈哈。
5点半到永正的茶馆,ISI 的同工为来这里的国际学生祷告,Joyce 和她的先生是ISI 的老义工,他们做了几十年,帮助了无数的国际学生。师母这一天也是很忙碌,早上参加Jing的毕业典礼,中午去参加George的生日庆祝,然后来参加祷告会,马上又去接北京的刘教授去晚上的查经,她再去一个生日Party。我们虽然忙,可是很快乐。 

Chris Tomlin - Made To Worship
From the album See the Morning

Before the day
Before the light
Before the world revolved around the sun
God on high
Stepped down into time
And wrote the story of His love for everyone

He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember

You and I are made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see who we were meant to be

All we are
And all we have
Is all a gift from God that we receive
Brought to life
We open up our eyes
To see the majesty and glory of the King

He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember


Even the rocks cry out
Even the Heavens shout
All the sound of His holy name
So let every voice sing out
Let every knee bow down
He抯 worthy of all our praise

Chorus: (2x抯)