文章来源: 小葡萄妈妈2008-04-01 10:51:43
那天晚上陪老大躺下睡觉, 好动多嘴的老大唱了这样一首歌。 开始以为是她乱唱, 后来上网一查, 果然有这样一首儿歌。

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee.
Oo! It stung me!

I'm squishing up my baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm squishing up my baby bumblebee,
Eew! It's yucky!

I'm wiping off my baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm wiping off my baby bumble bee.
All clean.

还有这首也蛮搞笑的。 老大一边唱还一边做手势, 做鳄鱼咬猴子的生动形象。

Five little monkey’s swinging in the tree
teasing Mr. Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr. Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree