谢谢你们的评论! I enjoy so much!
文章来源: 虔谦2007-09-06 13:04:12

I have read lots of touching comments.... Just want to say i enjoy your comments so very much!!! thank you my dear readers  for giving me the strength to go on this happy but also hard road ...

gagawoo  的留语评论:

"Thank you for the wonderful story and your beautiful language. Reading your story is one of the things I have to do everyday. I have fallen in love with your characters, they are so full of love and so gracefully pure. I am hoping they will have a happy ending after all that they have to go through.
Thank you for sharing the story with us! Have a nice weekend!"


衷心感谢朋友们。芦花会去哪里? 我在前面有一点点铺垫和准备,明天就见真章了。

抗议中国月亮奚落我的男主人公 : ) 他说 :"哪壶不开提哪壶,长河也太笨了点!奇怪,这么笨的人,怎么有几个女的喜欢?": ) 长河还没完全站起来,我会让他站起来的。

谢谢朋友们的关心。是有些紧张,不过挺ENJOY的。Thank you all so much!  祝好!

09/06/2007 -- 09/08/2007