回复:Suspect arraigned in motorcycle-SUV brawl in NYC

来源: analytical 2013-10-02 20:10:35 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (64870 bytes)
回答: Suspect arraigned in motorcycle-SUV brawl in NYCanalytical2013-10-02 20:06:24
Rabbid Wolf 7 hours ago
I ride a '73 Harley. But if I had my child and wife in a vehicle and a large group of bikers started to mess with us and it seemed to be turning violent, I would run their butts over too. If I was one of those bikers I would have not expected less from this father and hu*****and. If you threaten my family, I don't care who you are or what you are, I will fight with whatever it takes to stop you. These bikers got what they asked for, and that was a good stomping.
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  • John 7 hours ago
    too bad the car driver didn't have a concealed weapon in the car, that would have ended this chit quickly
  • Anonymous 7 hours ago
    Well said Rabbid Wolf, I would've ran over or probably kill some of this THUGS..Mess with me is different, but if i had my wife and kids with me you are playing with FIRE.
  • Tony 7 hours ago
    Thugs are not bikers. They are punks. All should be charged with rrying to kill this family...Hope all thes thugs get 10yrs or more. These thugs give good bikers a bad name. Packs of dogs! #$%$ Bag! Think they own the road...F___all thes thugs
  • Leroy 6 hours ago
    This group are not what I would call bikers. Don't know if you have ever been to biker week in Myrtle Beach but the Harleys come in May and can be tolerated but Memorial Day week is black biker week and just like in the video, they come with their café scooters and create what is on the video and not many of them know really how to ride. There are many who have issues with being on two wheels so they ride tricycles. Don't know why Myrtle Beach allows the second group because someday, there is going to be a real problem and it should be soon.
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  • coasterz 6 hours ago
    @Leroy-I know business owners in M.B. that close down and shutter up (like a hurricane is coming) during BBW. It' safer for their business and sanity.
  • Vinny B 6 hours ago
    @Etan: Yes, because defending your family makes you a "tough" guy. #$%$ imbecile.

    @Rabbid: Well said. Btw, nice axe - Les Paul?
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  • Jay M. 6 hours ago
    @Etan, you wouldn't be singing that tune if you were at the end of that beat down. Same as Rabbid Wolf, if you #$%$ with my families safety I will do whatever it takes for me to take you out. Nuff said...
  • bm 5 hours ago
    Agreed. If you decide to play games while children are involved then that driver has every right to do what he can to protect his family. They were probably scared to death.
  • Dr. Sinalinalinalin 5 hours ago
    Etan and Justin are both idiots. Go straight to hell.
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  • A Yahoo! user 5 hours ago
    @Etan, tell us where you live and let us all come to you and surround your family and let see how you would act. Was the driver suppose to just sit there and get bullied by a bunch of #$%$? It ain't about being a tough guy, its called family comes first. The guy was a hero to his family as it should had been. No one with any decency is going to disagree with what he did and how he did it.
  • EJCHIEFSFAN 5 hours ago
    Just a hunch, but this could have been an insurance fraud scheme..maybe trying to stage an accident.
  • KrisK 5 hours ago
    How much more biased can this be? I watched the WHOLE video on youtube yesterday and its OBVIOUSLY the bikers who were in an ILLEGAL rally and started BRAKE CHECKING(when you cut someone off and slam on your brakes...) the SUV. If it was me I would NOT have stopped at the intersection, but put the thing in reverse and plow through the riders STILL DUMB enough to stand in the way or just crush them in between my SUV and the parked cars. He has the right to do it once they tried to pull him out of the car the first time and then they followed and KEPT HARASSING HIM. The bikers need to be chraged with running their own friend over like when a police officer in a chase runs someone over, the person being chased gets charged with MANSLAUGHTER. How is this ANY different? If you try and pull me outta my truck you are gonna be so full of lead that i will use you as a wheel weight after the trial :P If my family was in the car I would have run them all down for being part of the group of would be carjackers/manslaughterers lol car vs bike, not hard to figure that one out...
  • wil 5 hours ago
    I've rode motorcycles for over 40 years and have never seen such a stupid group of punks on two wheels, thats why we have concealed carry in Oklahoma. Go ahead punk, make my day.
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  • ats122588 4 hours ago
    I think some real bikers need to pay these punks a visit !!!!!
  • Dudenextdoor 4 hours ago
    Etan...4 bikers were run over, he did do some stomping. Too bad you weren't ther under the Rover too tough guy. Loser
  • Joe F 4 hours ago
    Rabbid Wolf - very well said and I'm with you 100% - unfortunately we all know who is going to suffer the consequences - the Rover driver. he will be sued, threatened, his family (imagine a two year old) will have visions of this for ever, this man was protecting his family and because of our idiot liberal society will be sued and financially penalized. I also feel for the paralyzed man, and his family but from what I can ascertain the "bikers" instigated the incident. Hope the Range Rover guy gets out of this unscathed, but I doubt he will.
  • revardhall 3 hours ago
    Marvin, they were trying to attack the people in the SUV they deserved to be hit and who cares if the rider of the motorcycle who was trying to force the family in the SUV to stop is okay. He deserved to be ran over.
  • BR549 3 hours ago
    Right with ya Wolf. I too have been riding Harleys for over 25 years, and I've have done alot more than run one of them over. Like you said, you #$%$ with my family, you better be ready, 'cause I'm comin heavy.
  • Louis 3 hours ago
    @Rabbid Wolf, we must be related, because that is exactly the way I feel, no sympathy from me. AK-47 on their A _ _ _ _. Once the word gets out that citizens are not taking no S _ _ _ off their A _ _ _ _ they will think twice before they start to get off their bikes. I wish those were Gang Bangers in that Range Rover. It would have been a different story.
  • Denys 2 hours ago
    You know, I agree with your point, Rabbid Wolf, but is there some point to having a '73 Harley? I mean, as opposed to, say, an '79 Norton?
  • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 hours ago
    your all idiots .that guy should be charged with trying to murder that biker .period.
    I wonder were him and his family will move to .cause I will bet them bikers will go after him.


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