Doggie Racism Is Real! Here’s How to Deal

来源: analytical 2013-05-23 17:15:20 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3218 bytes)

“We live in a diverse urban city. I am white and my hu*****and is Filipino and white, but he’s often mistaken for Indian or black/mixed because of his dark complexion. He is great with animals in general and is a supersweet, calm, gentle person; we foster rescue dogs that are really sensitive, and they love him! But on several occasions when we’re meeting with co-workers and friends, their dogs will bark and act aggressively toward him, yet not toward the other white people who are also present.

“I’ve researched why dogs may behave this way, but I’m wondering what to do about this from my end. Is there a polite thing that we can do or say to alleviate this socially? If we are somewhere long enough for the dog to calm down and interact with my hu*****and, it works out, but most of our friends are dog people, so I am curious if you know of a polite fix!” –Needing a Doggie Olive Branch

My old doggie really hated darkies.
We didn't train him to act that way.
He just did.
I really miss that mutt.

Many blacks are afraid of dogs. Dogs can smell the adrenaline which indicates a potential threat. If it happens often enough, the dog equated dark skin itself with a threat. They don't like blacks because blacks don't like them.

This woman's biggest mistake is to have married a Filipino Hybrid. And she wonders why there are so many diseases in her family. God condemns hybriidity. She is not to marry anybody but her own race. This is why she can't have eternal life. She has destroyed her heritage by marrying into filth like she did. He will die soon, and she will finally come to her senses and marry a white man. Right now she hates being married to the Filipino.

We have the sweetest dog - a Shih Tzu. He never barks at anyone, unlike my dear departed Dobie, who hated (and tried to attack) black people on sight. But the Shih Tzu is a racist too. He absolutely LOVES Mexicans. In my upscale suburban neighborhood these are always either gardeners or construction workers, but he gets a very nice vibe from them, wags his tail and comes up to them to play. And they play back! But the (very few, since we live near Seattle) black gardeners or construction workers get the fish-eye from him, just as the fat wealthy women do.

IMHO this has nothing to do with color, it is a vibe that he picks up on. (He can't see so well anyway) Mexicans love little dogs, whereas many (if not most) blacks do not. Fat rich *****es have little regard for anyone not in their "circle," including a sweet harmless little Shih Tzu. Do not blame the dog, blame the object of the dog's enmity for putting out a bad vibe.





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