Ebay 买的修理空调压缩机工具更新

来源: 色大胆小 2018-11-07 10:59:47 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8357 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ 色大胆小 ] 在 2018-11-07 11:02:30 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

原帖: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/auto/482922.html

10 月 28 日,从 Ebay收到两个电邮。第一封是说卖家通知Ebay货已寄出。第二封比较奇怪:

We're writing to let you know that we've removed an item you recently won due to concerns with the seller's account:
232975318028 - Combo 3 5cfm 1/4hp Air Vacuum Pump HVAC R134a Kit AC A/c Manifold Gauge Set

Since you've already paid for the item, you don't need to do anything else. If your item hasn't arrived yet, it should arrive soon. If it doesn't, then you'll want to open a case in our Resolution Center. You can learn how to do this, plus find timelines for opening cases, at:

If you're unable to open a case on eBay, contact your payment service provider to verify the status of the payment and to request a refund or cancellation if needed.

We wish you all the best on eBay and hope your future experiences are pleasant and successful. If you have questions, please click "Help & Contact" at the top of most eBay pages.

eBay still has lots of other great deals. Go to http://www.ebay.com to shop. We hope to see you soon.






最后只好要求Ebay介入。即 open a case in our Resolution Center. Ebay 回复神速:


We're sorry to hear that you didn't receive the item you purchased. Your request is open, and we've asked the seller to respond and resolve your issue by Nov 7, 2018.

If you don't hear back or can't work something out, you can ask us to step in beginning Nov 7, 2018. If that happens, we'll review your request, gather any new info we need, and make a decision within 48 hours.


11月5日,卖家联络了 Ebay,Ebay 给我致函:

The seller has asked eBay Customer Support to review this case and make a final decision.

We'll review the case details, such as messages sent in the Resolutions Center about this case and other emails sent through eBay between you and the seller. If we have questions, we'll get in touch with you. We'll get back to you within 48 hours.

You can view the details of this case in the Resolution Center.
今天, 11月7日,Ebay 退款给我。

Unfortunately, we didn't receive valid tracking information from the seller. We're sorry you had a problem with your purchase.

We've issued a refund of US $20.00 back to the original funding source you used to purchase this item. The refund includes the purchase price plus original shipping. Please allow 48 hours for it to process.



色大啊,你偷鸡不成差点儿矢把米啊 -biglow- 给 biglow 发送悄悄话 biglow 的博客首页 (290 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 11:19:51

这些年我在Ebay上买了共计116样商品,总体感觉比亚马逊便宜。一般有问题Ebay都能合理解决 -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 11:32:08

在Ebay买过一两千的也有一两刀的,从来没遇到过不发货的,最多是都忘记了结果寄到了,当然离谱的东西从不买!:-DDD -Oneshotkill- 给 Oneshotkill 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 11:45:22

$20 Mission: Impossible - Fallout! -Oneshotkill- 给 Oneshotkill 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 11:46:42

If something shows up after a month, that would be IMPOSSIBLE :- -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:28:16

买过一包高功率降压电阻2刀不到,4-5月后寄到了,感觉天朝卖家很诚信的 -Oneshotkill- 给 Oneshotkill 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:47:12

ebay 上买东西,只从美国本土出货的商家购买,比较靠谱。从中国大陆和香港深圳发货的商家,绝不要买超过 $20的东西。 -吃素的狼- 给 吃素的狼 发送悄悄话 (299 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 14:40:57

ebay 上倒是什麽都有,甚至买过电视机的芯片,手机的零件,而且便宜得出奇。就是说好的半个月到货,俩月后才到。等不及, -吃素的狼- 给 吃素的狼 发送悄悄话 (214 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 14:45:15

损失20刀, 又以基本工资賺得20刀。但基gdp没有增加。 -PrimeryColor- 给 PrimeryColor 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 11:50:18

视角比较新颖 -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:29:13

Ebay最近这种事多了起来,我接连遇到两次,还好ebay 都退还我。 -滋鄂- 给 滋鄂 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:01:48

我遇到过几次,凡是价格好得太离谱的,这种事就越多。例如同一样东西,大部分人卖10块,这家只卖2块,九成九叔骗子。 -原上草2017- 给 原上草2017 发送悄悄话 原上草2017 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:15:03

九成九是骗子,为了那剩下的0.1成,咱还前仆后继不? :-) -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 12:31:00

现在有人用ebay@vehicle-protection-program.com 卖旧汽车,讲Ebay有保险。要求用Ebay卡付 -桃花源主- 给 桃花源主 发送悄悄话 桃花源主 的博客首页 (1236 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 17:35:03

没遇到过,不过Ebay有卖车的服务,为啥要用这个? -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 18:05:53

这种事ebay常见的骗子,用低价捞大批钱然后跑路。 -味苦- 给 味苦 发送悄悄话 味苦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2018 postreply 22:42:20

自eBay开张以来, 买东西已经372件,记得超60天没收到的约有7件,不过都从ebay把钱要回来了。 -gegenion- 给 gegenion 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2018 postreply 14:24:42

可能是卖家发现大件货物运费入关都有问题;我被ebay美国卖家骗过几次,中国卖家还没有,但groupon上USB中国卖家有骗子。 -chinomango- 给 chinomango 发送悄悄话 chinomango 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/09/2018 postreply 08:55:25
