Two things here

来源: MoonRiverMe 2014-09-15 10:00:29 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (556 bytes)
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Actually, I got them from discount tires website, picked up at their shop got them mounted in their shop, so it's pretty much like buying at the shop.

Even If I have brought them from the store I couldn't care less about the lifetime rotation, because one time at Walmart the guy rounded one of the wheel nuts as he tightened up the nuts, and, I have to check the the tightening torque anyway every time when the wheels have been installed by them, so I why not do it myself altogether? You can never trust those grease monkeys.


说一个真实的笑话 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (375 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 10:19:38

discount tire的似乎更懂一些,但也不能完全相信他们,上次我换轮胎结果左右气压都差很多,第一次开到65迈就震动 -侧卫1- 给 侧卫1 发送悄悄话 侧卫1 的博客首页 (22 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 13:33:32

Holy crap! -MoonRiverMe- 给 MoonRiverMe 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 16:55:54

walmart换胎的大多无资质的,问题多多 -chinomango- 给 chinomango 发送悄悄话 chinomango 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 15:49:31


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