The MSM no longer functions as a free press

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The MSM no longer functions as a free press challenging and examining the claims of government officials but a shill for the Democrats and above all for the Deep State.
If you have any doubt of that, just compare what the MSM have been reporting for the last three years and what the IG's Report just revealed--it contradicts the endlessly repeated assertions of every major media (except some parts of Fox News).
Our MSM corporate media has chosen not to be a free press anymore, just a tool to control the narrative in the interests of the ruling class and managerial elites.


The press engaged In most direct, sustained, dishonest, biased, assault on a president in our history.

Funny how Wallace doesn't acknowledge all the fake news and false narratives pushed by political operatives masquerading as journalists. He, like his colleagues, pretend it all didn't happen. The false reporting is mountainous, but the admissions of inaccuracy are few and far between.

Sadly, journalism has lost almost all its credibility and the corrupt or inept press only has itself to blame. The press has delegitimized itself, Trump just calls it out. Maybe Wallace should focus on cleaning his filthy house before criticizing those calling out the filth.


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