
来源: lake3peat 2018-05-23 18:01:07 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8031 bytes)

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... tart-of-trade-talks


Trade Deficit Reduction

- The U.S. wants China to cut the two nations’ trade deficit by at least $200 billion by the end of 2020 from 2018 levels.

- Chinese purchases of U.S. goods will represent at least 75 percent of a commitment to a $100 billion increase in purchases of U.S. exports for the 12 months beginning June 1, 2018, and at least 50 percent of China’s commitment to an additional $100 billion increase in purchases of U.S. exports in the 12 months beginning June 1, 2019.

Protection of American Technology and Intellectual Property

- China to immediately cease providing subsidies and government support that fuels excess capacity in industries targeted by the Made in China 2025 plan.

- Specific policies and practices linked to technology transfer are eliminated.

- A cessation of government-sponsored cyber intrusion and cyber theft.

- Strengthened intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.

- By Jan. 1, 2019, China will eliminate provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of the Import and Export of Technologies and the regulations on the Implementation of the Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures identified in the U.S.

- By July 1, 2018, China will withdraw its request for WTO consultations in United States – Tariff Measures on Certain Goods from China and take no further action on the matter

- The document also calls on China to take no retaliatory action in response to actions taken or to be taken by the U.S.

Restrictions on Investment in Sensitive Technology

- A demand that China does not “oppose, challenge, or otherwise retaliate against the United States’ imposition of restrictions on investments from China in sensitive U.S. technology sectors or sectors critical to U.S. national security.”

U.S. Investment in China

- A demand that China does not distort trade through investment restrictions and any restrictions are narrow and transparent

- U.S. investors in China to receive “fair, effective and non-discriminatory market access and treatment, including removal of the application of foreign investment restrictions and foreign ownership/shareholding requirements.”

- China to issue an improved nationwide negative list for foreign investment by July 1, 2018. Within 90 days the U.S. will identify existing investment restrictions that deny U.S. investors market access. China is then to remove all identified investment restrictions on a timetable to be decided by both nations.

Tariff and non-tariff barriers

- By July 1, 2020, China will reduce tariffs on all products in non-critical sectors to levels that are no higher than the levels of the U.S.’ corresponding tariffs

- China to remove specified non-tariff barriers and recognizes that the U.S. may impose import restrictions and tariffs on products in critical sectors, including sectors identified in the Made in China 2025 industrial plan.

U.S. Services and Services Suppliers

- A demand for China to improve market access in specified ways

U.S. Agricultural Products

- A demand for China to improve market access in specified ways


- Both countries to meet quarterly to review targets and reforms

- If the U.S. declares China is not complying with the framework, the U.S. can impose tariffs or other restrictions on Chinese products or restrict supply of services

- A demand that China does not “oppose, challenge or take any form of action against the United States’ imposition of additional tariffs or restrictions.”

- China to withdraw its WTO complaints regarding designations of China as a non-market economy and will refrain from future challenges

- Within 15 days of receiving written notice of a prohibited product that may have been transshipped through one or more countries, China will provide full details of every shipment. Failure to do so will trigger tariffs.

- If China fails to uphold commitments the U.S. will impose tariffs on imports from China and will confiscate counterfeit and pirated goods or levy tariffs to compensate for lost technologies and intellectual property.

- A demand that China does not take any retaliatory action in response.



- In an official document seen by Bloomberg News, China stated that measures to open up its economy will not be applicable to U.S. investors if the U.S. doesn’t meet China’s request on equal treatment of Chinese investment. Other requests of the U.S. included:

- Lift bans on exports of integrated circuits to China.

- Stop imposing 25 percent extra tariffs against Chinese products.

- Open government procurement to Chinese technology products and services.

- Give equal treatment to Chinese companies in national security review.

- Adjust the export ban on ZTE. Corp.

- Drop surrogate-country approach in anti-dumping, anti-remedy cases.

- Not to initiate any Section 301 investigation against China in the future.

- Open its e-payment market to Chinese companies.

- Approve China International Capital Corp.’s application for a financial license.

不知道这个清单直接来自特朗普,还是他的七人帮团队?感觉应该是前者。霸道和自以为是是肯定的,但这样的清单是业余,还是无知?这样的清单想拉上盟国一起跟中国干?这就是他的Art of Deal?也好,让美国更多的人看看,什么样的条件还上得了桌面,什么样的条件直接请回。


- 应该把庚子赔款时的八国联军的要求拿出来对照一下。难怪会谈“坦诚、高效、富有建设性”。

- 漫天要价谁不会啊,我也开个单子:取消瓦森纳协议,取消中资进入美国的障碍,开放美国市场对中国企业的限制,开放美国基建项目对中国企业,合理计算中美贸易逆差(美国企业在中国的出口额,不算中国的出口)。这几条下来,你看看,2020年中美贸易绝对能平衡。

- 合理计算中美贸易逆差(美国企业在中国的出口额,不算中国的出口)。就这一个,就可以把逆差降下来。













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