We now know that Mueller has hired a bunch of Obama and Clinton

来源: fffafff 2017-06-18 23:09:20 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (4613 bytes)

How exactly did Trump: 1) create the BS, fraudulent Russia collussion problem? 2) create the BS, fraudulent obstruction of justice charge? #1 was generated by a completely fabricated, 35-page document, bought and paid for by anti-Trumpers. What exactly was Trump's role in that? #2 is the result of a nonsensical inference by Comey, whose sanity is certainly under question, considering all of the places he has gone and how many times he has contradicted to own statements, all under oath. Don't you put this on Trump. You don't like him, that's fine. But he did not do any of this. It has all come from anti-Trumpers on the Left, the Right and in the MSM, in an all out effort to implement a coup d'etat against our president. Everyone in the country should be outraged, but, of course, outrage on the Left is only against those who disagree with the Left, period.


We now know that Mueller has hired a bunch of Obama and Clinton donors to be his investigative staff. I mean, he’s hired some genuine sycophants.He’s hired some genuine, true Obama and Clinton believers, and some of them — many of them — are lawyers. A lot of them are huge donors.Many of them are radical extremists in terms of followers of Obama and Clinton. They are all consumed here with this irrational hatred for Trump and everything he is and stands for.
For Mueller to go hire a bunch of these people? The idea that the independent counsel’s fair and open-minded and the scales of justice will be equally balanced? What a crock! These are prosecutors! What is the objective of a prosecutor? To send somebody to jail. That’s the objective. They’re not in there — they’re not in these jobs — to let people go. They’re not in these jobs to let people off. An independent counsel or any prosecutor is there to get convictions, and if they don’t think they can get convictions, then they try to get plea deals on guilty pleas.
But can you think of an independent counsel who has ever finished his investigation and announced he didn’t find anybody who did anything wrong? Nope! You can’t. Because there’s no way that could ever happen. There’s so much money spent on these things that to do an investigation (that takes years, certainly months) and then to call a press conference and say, “Hey, we couldn’t find anything anybody did wrong.” What were you doing? “Well, we investigated thoroughly, and nobody broke any laws.
“We can’t find any crimes here.” Whew! The guy wouldn’t get out of the briefing room alive. So Mueller’s gotta find something. The fact that he’s been hired alone means he’s gotta find something. And if he can’t find it, he’s gotta manufacture it — as in a process crime, catching somebody lying to federal agents or lying to federal prosecutors.
Now, the icing on the cake: The guy’s hiring a bunch of Democrat operatives as his lead lawyers and investigators. And we are told, “Don’t worry about that! These are the epitome of fair and objective. These are nonpartisans.” There’s no such thing as a nonpartisan leftist!



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