新泽西家长怒不可遏:高中儿子毕业照,穿着支持川普的衫竟然在校册里被抹掉, (图) 老百姓评论:这就是民主党的容忍?

来源: yzout 2017-06-12 15:12:55 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (40253 bytes)
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Grant Berardo yearbook photo

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    • I don't support Trump, but many do. It is their right to show their support. Had a student had an Obama shirt "erased", all hell would have broken loose and administrative heads would have rolled. We must stop being a nation of double standards.

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    • It scares me that the reply's are ignoring the fact weather pro or anti Trump this is censorship. Do you all miss the point that the FIRST AMENDMENT is being violated? It is a sad state of affairs where THREE SERVICEMEN were killed defending OUR RIGHTS and you reply your anti Trump dialog. SHAME on you all.

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    • As much as I hate the Tangerine Tyrant, I love freedom of speech more. I believe they were wrong to remove "Trump" from the shirt. It's this kid's right to completely embarrass himself publicly so long as nobody is hurt

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    • Liberals are hateful people that try to suppress all conservatives. The student just learned an important life lesson...

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    • ” Gerardo and other parents are calling for the yearbook to be reprinted — slogans and quotes intact — at the school’s expense." ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY!!!! THEN FIRE THE LIBERAL OPPRESSORS WHO PHOTO SHOPPED IT



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