
来源: 江南绿雨 2016-02-21 07:27:08 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (7210 bytes)

ZT 2月20日,底特律地区的数百名华人,在Ann Arbor 市举行声援梁警官活动,抗议司法不公。一位年轻母亲真挚而富有激情的演讲,道出了所有人的心声。征得她的同意,把演讲稿全文抄录于此。

Ladies and Gentleman, 
Boys and Girls,

Thank you all for coming!

Today we rally here because we care. We care about the tragic loss of a young man; we care about justice for minorities; and we care about our children’s future.

And we are not alone.

Today, tens of thousands of Asian American Community members from more than 40 cities across the country, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Huston … are all rallying to show that we do care!
We care about the tragic death of Akai Gurley.
We rally to show our deepest condolences to his family.

Our prayers especially go to his two-year-old daughter. Most of us are parents; we all know what it means for a little girl to confront the fact of losing her dear daddy. We feel her pain. And we are there with her.

We, the Asian American Community will do our best to support her and the family, to show them that we do care.

(Present Bouquet,Have a minute of silence)

We also care about justice for minorities.
We are deeply saddened by the selective and unjust prosecution of Peter Liang, when most of the evidence shows that the tragedy was caused by an accident.

We have good reason to believe that Peter Liang was made the scapegoat of the police brutality that has long troubled our society. 
We are calling for New York City Police Department and those who are truly responsible to shoulder their responsibilities. We demand justice for Peter Liang and Equal Justice for all.

Rather than the triumph of justice, the selective prosecution confirms our deepest fear that people of color are still not equal. The privileged can easily walk away free while the minorities will bear excessive punishment.

As being pointed out by Dr. Martin Luther King, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

We are thus calling for all people and groups who care about justice to stand behind Akai Gurley and Peter Liang and get united.

Let’s say NO to selective prosecution;

Say NO to racism;

And say NO to injustice.

We also care about our children’s future.
Today we are here, also because we are afraid. We are afraid what happened to Akai Gurley, what happened to Peter Liang could possibly also happen to us, or one day might even happen to our children!

Therefore, we are not going to remain silent anymore, because we know that their tomorrow relies heavily on our actions today. For them, we have to fight for equality, and justice.

Together we fight.

Together we can change.

Together we can make this world a better place.

Let’s make history…



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