Has Donald J. Trump Actually Hurt You? (modified 10/29/16)

来源: 王利民 2016-10-29 19:38:30 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (9357 bytes)

Has Donald J. Trump Actually Hurt You? (modified 10/29/16)

Limin Wang


The political opponents and many of the mainstream media have painted Donald J. Trump as a dude unfit for the U.S.A. presidency with a variety of brushes and paint. Please allow me to lead the talk on some issues. His history of actions, not just words, should give us more clues.

1) Is Donald J. Trump a white supremacist? an immigrant phobicist?

Black neurologist Ben Carson is neither crazy nor stupid, and he appears to get along with Trump well. Donald has not cursed any black basketball players, has he? Hillary's big supported Mark Cuban did or did not? Donald employed immigrants, and married an immigrant. It's quite impressive to hear the honest immigrants to say that they would still work for Donald J. Trump if they are needed again. What these "great" lip-servers gave to immigrants? Fuck you, illegal status and miserable life for so many of them after believing in the lip-servers' crap.

The illegal immigration problem was CREATED by the American political system, not by Trump. Walls along the border have been built, prior to Trump's presidential race. Revealed from the third presidential debate, what Hillary actually has done to nerds crossing the border? If she has used her political power to have done such things, then why should she criticize Donald J. Trump's words on the border issue so much? Ludicrous lying, you like? Building more walls along the border is one way of solution. Why the fucking the White House has a fence? Have you forgot to lock your residence or vehicle? Many immigrants live in the "greatest" country in horrible conditions. Trash the American lies, and tell them the reality of slavery and ghettos.

2) Can Donald take the deductions on taxes?

As Donald has said, and as the history has shown no breaking of the laws, then why he can not manuever the laws set up by the politicians? As Pence questioned, "Haven't you taken deductions?" Any rich person likes to pay more taxes? If honestly paying the maximum limit of taxes, a rich person such as Warren Buffet can not be rich any more. Also, even commoners apply the tax laws for their own benefits. If everybody plays by these rules, why can't Donald? By the way, have you thought about why the American government at all levels need so many taxes? To prop up a corrupted and irresponsible bureaucracy into every corner of your life, as I think. For example, does the USA have to fight so many wars? Is the public school system effectual? Does the health care not suck your blood? The Obama Care is not a fucking affordable care, not affordable to me the poor in time and patience.

3) Is Donald offensive to women?

He may have some arguments with SOME particular women, but there is no base at all to claim that he is offensive to WOMEN. Don't let the lip-servers suck your residual dim wit away. The argument with some women and attraction to some women are just part of almost everyone's everyday life. It's an easy guess that Donald could have some FLIRTS and AFFAIRS with some women. Hey, he at least got divorced and remarried. These accusers put up some accounts of stories NOW, on some "events" long time ago, some of which I made a cruel joke on. Interested? check my writing of "Nobel Prize in Literature 2017". On the other side of the coin, why these women did not sue Donald J. Trump right after the "sexual assault" had happened? If the "keep-in-touch" was somehow true, was it actually consensual then? or was the American legal system distrusted by all of them at all?

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are not like Donald Trump, for sure. If the Clintons got divorced because of affairs, the matter would have hurt both Clintons' political careers. The Clintons represent political dynasty, not democracy. As I observe, it's not because they want to serve the human (in your familiar term, the public) they have kept chasing for another presidency. The Lybian War, the Syrian War, etc, were created by lip-servers like Obama, like Clinton. If you can not observe the mass-scale slaughter, you are either a fool or bigot to claim that Hillary Clinton cares more about women. Women give birth to offsprings, and some of their offsprings (including Americans) ended their lives horribly. It's a joke for Hillary Clinton to mention the bloody-face of that Syrian boy. Without the Obama-Clinton conspiracy, there shouldn't have had such atrocity spread out tomany other countries in the Muslim world.

4) Do you think Donald's arguing points as attacks to women?

Donald and Hillary are both running for the presidency. Hillary should be clearly viewed as a politican, as a political opponent, as a power-pursuer even after her husband had been two terms of president, as a power-pursuer even after she herself had been a senator from a famous and important state, even after she had already run for presidency in the 2008 round, even after she had been a Secretary of State for four years. Clearly, Hillary Rodham Clinton is not just a woman. HRC's email scandal, can not be blamed on anybody or any country else. It was originated from her own, and America itself. The "public service" has indeed been run as a personal matter. The real question on her personal server for emails while as Secretary of State should be about CORRUPTION, or so-called PAY-TO-PLAY. The whole political system was just keeping talking about security, security, still fucking security, to fool you further foolish. From the other perspective, for what a "democratic" government secretary has so many "secrets" to keep commoners away from? For cheating on you. You are not part of the "democratic" government, for real. Your names may have been used for votes, without your knowledge, and that's the play with you.

5) Was or is Donald J. Trump responsible for the Iraq War or the Syria War or other wars?

Trump has said repeatedly that he was against the America's Second Iraq War before the war started and cited multiple resources. His current opponents just focused on some of his previous talks, claiming that Trump was for the invasion. It's so hideous to blame Trump for the infamous Second Iraq War. No matter what, Trump's early talks on multiple occasions demonstrate that he was not blood-thirsty and flesh-hungry for war. No matter what, Trump was not a politician, and had no political power. Trump was just a businessman at the time. His talks then were absolutely not as important as Hillary R. Clinton's. HRC then was an influential senator under GWB's presidency.  Hillary Rodham Clinton VOTED for the war. Former secretary of state Colin Powell made that kind of talk and presentation at the United Nations for the war, and HRC believed in that kind of "information" or so-called "intelligence". What kind of human intelligence was that??? Just to fool self and fool others. The Syria War was started by the Obama-Clinton conspiracy, which spread the turmoil throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Who came to support Obama? Powell. Who comes to support Clinton now? Powell again. It's so predictable.

6) Does Donald J. Trump stand as a weakness or defeat to you?

On one hand, the opponents paint Trump as a nuclear warmonger. On the other other, the same opponents call Trump as a puppet to foreign powers. You judge, whether the Clintons are really belligerent. If yes, it means other people, including Americans, die, and hatred lives. You judge, whether negotiation draws equation to weakness. If no, it means the real "together, stronger". The Obama administration is at big odds with Russia and China, and Hillary R. Clinton was the top diplomat. You judge the experience.

7) Was Trump a racist "birther" hurting the black?

Trump had expressed doubt on Barack Obama's birthplace. Since the U.S. constitution was written with some explicit and some not-so-explicit words about the basic qualifications for the presidency to exclude some dudes out, the "natural born citizen" makes room for doubt and for disqualification, for half-white half-black Obama, and for full-white Ted Cruz. Was Ted Cruz whining about Trump's questioning as a racist attack? Blacks are so sensitive, and some whites make some blacks even more sensitive.


To be continued.



I will eventually go to the point: actually hurt you, directly o -王利民- 给 王利民 发送悄悄话 王利民 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2016 postreply 04:48:58

Talking about personal attack, do you think who were the ones pu -王利民- 给 王利民 发送悄悄话 王利民 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2016 postreply 04:46:34



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