It's really easy to have one baby

来源: elian 2013-06-25 14:25:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1388 bytes)
My child is 18 months old now, all I do is babysit her for a few hours, feed three meals, change diaper for a few times, bathe every other day. When she goes to her two hours nap, I some handcrafted stuff like quilt or soft books, watch TV online or read magazines. I can recall everything from the time of her birth.
When she was a newborn, she slept in her bassinet while we played poker games at night, quietly.
Then she started sitting in a bouncer most of the time after 2 months old, then she played in a playpen after 6 months old.
Nothing hard, except for feeding once or twice at night and deal with gassy stomach occasionally. 
Child started becoming mobile after 10 months. She plays by herself, walks and runs. I just sit and watch. Babysitting, literally.
We got used to every bit of her character and fuss as a baby. That's it.
After 18 months, she's very calm and content, almost never cries or makes any fuss going to sleep at night.
My baby girl is morphing into an intelligent person with good manners, naturally. No one teaches us how.
I don't even remember whether we had any problem with her before.
One and half year, that's all it takes to have true relaxing time with a child at home. 
There's no time conflict to arrange a single child's sleep, meals and play. It's as easy as a pie.


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