回复:古铁蕾丝到处走 - 天堂里的庙会(帕劳)

Great Post! We are actually thinking about going to Palau for vacation. What is the best time of the year for scuba diving? Will open water certificate ok for the wrecks?


哈~ 一二三月最好了!赶紧收拾行李去吧! -jingutierrez- 给 jingutierrez 发送悄悄话 jingutierrez 的博客首页 (456 bytes) () 03/05/2010 postreply 21:36:44

回复:哈~ 一二三月最好了!赶紧收拾行李去吧! -pugbelly- 给 pugbelly 发送悄悄话 (108 bytes) () 03/07/2010 postreply 21:25:34
