Have a Nuchal scan done in 12th week.

来源: tree100 2010-01-05 04:46:18 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (850 bytes)
It measures the thickenss of the water behind the baby's neck. verage is 25mm. It also combines the hormones in your blood, your weight and your age, works out the chance, it could be 1 in 120 chance, or 1 in 5 chance.

The cutting off point is 1:150 in the UK, if means if your baby's chance is lower than 1:150, 0.6%, they wouldn't do anything further; if it's higher, like me, 1:120, 0.8%, they offered me CVS.

CVS is taking some tissue from placenta, to do DNA/Chromsome analysis, it's very accurate, could tell you the genda of the baby as well if you want to know. The possibility of miscarrage is 1%. There are vedio clips on YouTube, if you want to know. I had CVS done, it was ok, looks scary, accatually it did not hurt that much. The main thing is to distract yourself, and let the doctor to do the work.

Good luck


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