
回答: 能用LINUX的时候绝不用WINDOW创思2007-08-28 11:21:19

Well, I've been using computer for over 20 years, not sure how would you compare Windows and Linux/Unix. The advantage of Linux/Unix is obvious that most professionals use it daily. I can live without Windows computer but I can't live without Linux/Unix, or I will lose my job.

I agree if you'd like to use Photoshop or Ulead (or whatever) to do MM, Linux is not in par, but for text editing and data processing, Linux is obviously the better choice. Leaving out DOS prompt in Windows is one of the biggest mistakes M$ ever made. Let's grep 1,000 files searching for a match of the pharse with wild card inside: Linux____better.

Oh, you can install perl on Windows, OK, but you might just open your computer to anyone hacked in. Linux/Unix don't have as much virus/spyware, well, in part because it is not as popular. So whatever you like to use, do it,
